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Everything posted by Victor

  6. Germany are employing a very strange tactic. They seem to be taking shots at somewhere other than the Slovakian players. Most peculiar.
  7. I don't know why I wrote such a long post when it could have been summarised in one point. Brexit voters are the UK's equivalent of Trump supporters. Make America Great Again, or Britain, same shit.
  8. Damn thought Ireland had it in the first half. At least it wasn't some heart-breaking last-minute crap though. Easily best knockout game yet however.
  9. You post that in the Position Changes forum not his update thread, yeah?
  10. A Stark, a Lannister, and a Martell walk into a bar....
  11. Apart from the fact Croatia were the best team of the group stage?
  12. Universal suffrage was a mistake.
  13. I don't understand how we've actually regressed from the group stage.
  14. Does anyone remember watching an interesting extra time period?
  15. This thread.
  16. This has been absolutely horrendous.
  17. Yes I do. I want the Champions League to be about more than the same 3-4 clubs every year.
  18. The Bosman ruling affects teams across all of Europe since it effectively allows players to move freely and negotiate on their own terms, not the clubs'. It was the EU which decided the old way was undemocratic and impeded freedom of movement. Equally, so did the old limitations where I believe 3 non-native players could be on the pitch at the same time for a club. Football today, where any big club (Real, Bayern, Juventus, anyone in PL) has only a handful of Spanish, Germany, Italian, English players at best, let alone their starting XI, is largely the result of that EU ruling.
  19. Tragic. I presume the Simtop was also the home of all those MSN conversations?
  20. Scotland's not that big. UK has always been split into two. You have the professionals in finance, accounting, marketing, IT, whatever other lucrative jobs there are, probably well educated (graduates or at least 13 years in school), who read quality news, actually understand politics even if they don't partake, etc etc. Then you have the mob - the racist uneducated racist fucktard alcoholics who live off benefits and complain about immigrants stealing their jobs they never would have applied for. If in the past the working class actually you know, worked, these days half of them don't since most warehouse and factory and whatever else jobs are taken by Poles, Romanians, anyone who actually puts effort in. As for the English mob, well, anyone watch Kingsman? They reside in the neighborhoods that the main character got out of. Even if you're a decent human being you'll struggle to get out of that environment its a vicious cycle. And if they read anything, it's the Sun, Star, Daily Mail, all these attention grabbing racist, mysoginistic, right-wing tabloids. The divide has always been clear but I was hoping most of the retards wouldn't vote (I knew the old people would come in their droves, they've got nothing better to do but wish for the good ol days before the EU). Turns out there's enough of them and here we are. I'm an EU citizen in the UK so do I really want to stay now? Not particularly. I've long had thoughts of moving elsewhere in Europe and learning a new language and I think that will be accelerated now. There's dumb people everywhere but I've traveled a lot and didn't just stick to the tourist attractions but I've never seen such a clear divide as in the UK. Or England to be more specific, Scotland actually is more European too.
  21. Happy trails Hans!
  22. That one meant so much to me.
  23. Close enough.
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