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Everything posted by Victor

  1. Lol what's Greg's cups-to-seasons ratio? 1 in 12? Needs more Scotty Campbell.
  2. Hah. Well you might as well add Davos to the list of fallen giants now, it's their longest playoff drought since S18! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1g-nh9cX94Tv3VIkYVybkryaGM9Ct9BAQlOE595ixtrw/edit#gid=0
  3. Pretty ridiculous. When I joined, these three were probably the VHL's most successful franchises. Seattle and Calgary probably remained top two until the Kanou-led Davos dynasty and still, even as recently as S30, probably top 3. How things have changed since expansion. The funny thing about the 3 last Vasteras appearances is that they never actually ran into Davos haha. Each time beaten by Riga who were each time beaten by Davos.
  4. rumour has it weekend some time
  5. Sorry I think I linked the wrong video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOfZLb33uCg
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6voHeEa3ig
  7. Fortunately, this will improve next season.
  8. Gotta love how quick news of Tywin's death spread. Even Arya knows somehow lol.
  9. I'm really impressed you managed to add a grammar mistake into my quote.
  10. It's a miracle! Now time to dissect and humiliate.
  11. The defensive version of Brody Hodgson. #loyalty
  12. Bumping this because I can't handle an S42 trade being near the top.
  13. Yeah, you got some pretty crap picks for him too. Someone was saying at the time that I gave up too much. But that's for another part of this MS. This off-season was a damn good first impression and we really should have won in S33 (though I suppose Riga really should have won in S32 so it balances out).
  14. Anyway, Stockholm better win the cup before New York does in S45.
  15. Sorry, sterling had a heart attack and couldn't finish the post so I filled in the blanks.
  16. All the S36 GM scrub goalies are finally in the same conference! And that S43 RIG 2nd killed a trade, helped a trade replace that trade, and sort of finalised this trade. All in one day. That's the next best player of the generation right there.
  17. I'm already quite excited because I just checked and found out he last checked the old site on 20 March.
  18. What? The fact that Jardy spends time keeping draft picks up to date in the sim or the METIS joke?
  19. I officially nominate you to the vacant for 25ish seasons position of Patrick Palmer. http://z11.invisionfree.com/vhl/index.php?act=Search&CODE=getalluser&mid=489
  20. It's much more personal than that.
  21. You must be a fan of Bruno Wolf then.
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