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Everything posted by BigTittySmitty

  1. I thought I would be able to go last I guess I can't be Mr. Irrelevant then
  2. It's bright out and my head hurts and I just hear the storms coming. Sadly I missed the fireworks last night as I was feeling like shit Around here (Windsor-Detroit) we have our fireworks over Detroit River on "international waters" early as a beginning to countdown the beginning of summer events that happen in the region. It's pretty cool when you can see it as they set up a few barges in the middle of the river and light up fireworks. But who doesn't like fireworks huh. This year they were lucky enough to get them off as there was a storm warning and how they shoot them off would not be so pretty. This is what I did on my day off when I flew back to Canada after heading home from Bratislava. I figured do a trip from Windsor to check out the fireworks then head home to Barrie for a bit until I know where I need to go for the VHL draft then fly out for that to spend some time with the family. After being away for a while its good to be home for some good ol' home cooked food. To relax and do nothing vacation and then head back out.
  3. Can I get picked last Mom?!?!? The joys of the Entry Draft is to allow teams to acquire future talent so they can move forward as superstars age and the circle of life in the VHL continues. These teams hope whomever they select on draft day (whenever that is) will be able to replace or potentially be used as trade bait to move for more assets as the continue for championship glory. It all depends on what happens on this day and what the pesky General Managers opt to do as many have decided to hold their cards tight and not let the Davidson camp know if they are interested. That is fine by the Davidson camp. Where they have even challenged that status quo with the option and request of being picked dead last and having teams fight over the very last pick in the draft if they want. Sure, these teams may not respect the silly decision but its all in good fun to get picked dead last. If he can get paid 5-6 million a year to be picked last. So can I... right? CK = Checking: 40 FG = Fighting: 40 DI = Discipline: 40 SK = Skating: 45 ST = Strength: 40 PH = Puck Handling: 45 FO = Face Offs: 50 PA = Passing: 81 SC = Scoring: 50 DF = Defense: 46 PS = Penalty Shot: 40 EX = Experience: 40 LD = Leadership: 40 He's got a lot to work on for sure but that's why he is just a youngster right? The fact that there is an opportunity for teams to have a player they can grow who will have at least one good attribute ready for the big leagues in due time will be good. At least they know he can pass the puck to their star snipers. CK = Checking: 40 --> 70 FG = Fighting: 40 DI = Discipline: 40 SK = Skating: 45 --> 85 ST = Strength: 40 --> 84 PH = Puck Handling: 45 --> 84 FO = Face Offs: 50 --> 88 PA = Passing: 81 --> 88 SC = Scoring: 50 --> 73 DF = Defense: 46 --> 83 PS = Penalty Shot: 40 EX = Experience: 40 --> tbd LD = Leadership: 40 --> tbd That's a rough goal of LONG TERM goal of where teams can see Alexander Davidson to aim projections towards to give them an understanding of what he is looking to do and the thought process behind the path getting there. It just depends if the TPE is attainable in his career but that is his goal if he can attain it. That would give clubs a solid center that they can use in their top 6 for sure. The dedication to the passing attribute in the VHLm rookie season now was just to get one stat going and done with. Moving forward the rest will be balanced out as I was just experimenting with things. When it comes to the draft surprise me (I like a good mystery)! Where I land just know you'll have someone who will try to get better as long as I know there is somewhat of a place long term. Maybe a few seasons. That does not matter to me as I understand I can be a project type player and if your team is willing to work with me, I can work with you. If you want to ask me questions you can most definitely shoot me a message and I'll get back to you if your team is hesitant. I don't mind answering them just let approach me and I'll be honest with you.
  4. when is the draft? Can I go last? If I go last do I get to win something nice? idk who has the last pick just funny to get picked last as idk when or where I'd get picked and at the moment idk and idc
  5. Pick the winner, all three correct will earn 1 TPE (N/A is an answer here) Game 5: Brampton Blades vs Bern Royals - Royals Game 6: Bern Royals vs Brampton Blades - N/A Game 7: Brampton Blades vs Bern Royals - N/A Predict the score, Correctly predict the score and winner for 3 TPE Game 5: Brampton Blades vs Bern Royals - 3-2 Royals Predict the leading point earner of the series for 1 TPE TebowGow Predict the leading penalty minutes earner for 1 TPE Golden Jedtsson Predict the leading special teams goals earner for 1 TPE TebowGow
  6. This point task closes upon the completion of game 3 of the series, no excuses. Pick the winner, all three correct will earn 1 TPE (N/A is an answer here) Game 5: @ - Game 6: @ - Game 7: @ - N/A Predict the score, Correctly predict the score and winner for 3 TPE Game 5: @ - 3 2 Predict the leading point earner of the series for 1 TPE Christoph Klose Predict the leading penalty minutes earner for 1 TPE James Faraday Predict the leading special teams goals earner for 1 TPE Logan Laich
  7. I can't believe its play off time. Not doing as much but its all good teams up 3-0 and it looks like at this pace we will be off to a sweep. Just got to see what happen next round. That would be scary Bern. We haven't had much luck against them so it should be interesting to see how we do against them once the series against Moscow is doing. I think I got 3 points in 4 games, which in normal life seems fine but the team is destroying Moscow and it just doesn't seem fair that the series is even being played. Just feels embarrassing. But at least that just means a potential early break to focus on Bern potentially. But after playoffs I guess the focus is on the draft. I guess no one has any questions for me as the last idea I had no one decided to ask/send me questions. But ah well. It is what it is.. maybe they are being sneaky. But, that is why its draft land.. since I don't really know that many faces around here (maybe they know me) and I just don't know their usernames. I guess that is part of the surprise!
  8. What I was thinking was that for my next article for media point task was members of the league members and General Managers, Commissioners could and etc could ask me via here or etc questions for an ask me anything. This could be related to the draft, season or whatever you feel like. This hopefully will be used for a great way to let me interact with the managers and scouts of the league in that kind of setting as I being to start learning who is who as I got off to a slow start. I hope that this can be received well and I can wait to do something with this to make it work as I'm not in a rush to put this together for the sake of making it work. When word got out that Davidson's publicists was putting this form of an Ask Me Anything would be made available to the public TSN Director of Scouting Craig Button called asking why and the camp had this to say: We've been quiet around the league and its time to make a name for ourselves and hopefully this will allow us the opportunity to engage in conversation to see if Davidson could be a good fit in the league and what he needs to do to succeed down the road. Hopefully for the camp things work out as the draft is moving closer and Alexander Davidson is hoping to hear his name called in the distant future.
  9. Alexander Davidson - Forward +/- Points
  10. (C3) Chicago vs (A2) Tampa Bay Winner: Chicago # of Games: 6
  11. This for the next week Monday - Sunday updates... bored on this shitty rainy Sunday so I thought I'd do some writing. Part Three: Things Looking Up After the world has changed and the drama has unfolded for the young rookie that was drafted in the 2nd round of the VHLm draft. Who thought he was going to Brampton in a deal that would later be voided due to the termination of DT as General Manager of the Bratislava Watchmen. Alexander Davidson was able to get a fresh start on the VHL. How I felt towards the VHL during the time frame of this drama with Bart Simpson playing the VHL But this article is not about dwelling on the past but as the title suggests its about looking upwards and towards the future. He may not become your league superstar center but at least you can bank on a second line offensive play making center to move the puck to your scoring forwards. What you can bank on is if you give him an opportunity and commitment and patience he will reward you with dedication. Once you piss him off you get on his bad side and that's not good for you. Since the change in management and the change in opportunity Alexander Davidson has finally been able to commit once learning the ropes feeling at home. Once telling the team in private he's here to have fun and for as long as possible. I'd like to remind you folks my Average Minutes per Game have been picking up when there was a stretch I was playing 5-7 minutes a game so that's why when I tell you these stats DO NOT freak out . In this season I have played 956 minutes as per the index in my rookie season (during this long stretch of 5-7 minutes per game I was 2nd line C on the power play and 2nd defensive pairing on the 3 on 3 penalty kill). The average minutes per game now is 15.17 so its rapidly increasing and so is the point totals. So, let me continue in 63 games this season I've scored 11 goals, 28 assists good for a total of 39 points. Out of the 819 face offs I've taken I've won 62.64% of them so for scouts you are getting someone who believes in winning a face off is important. Alexander Davidson clearly is not a superstar of the Bratislava Watchmen and isn't expecting to go in the first round in the VHL Entry Draft unless someone surprises me. With that said, I know I am not the flashiest player in here and some may say I have made a scene by telling this story. But it is what it is! These stories share the small details and give players like Alexander Davidson the opportunity to shine as they are not the superstars of the league. But that's the Alexander Davidson Story in a nutshell. Time to improve my draft stock!
  12. no worries... just grade away. I made a mistake not gonna complain!
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