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Posts posted by Renomitsu

  1. 1. Why does the team not perform as well in front of bot goalie as we do in front of Krishna?

    The bot goalie doesn't coordinate the defense as well as Krishna! It's almost like he's programmed to be okay at his job but not much else... 🤔 


    2. Over half way through the season in a tight conference, how do you like our chances for playoffs?

    STHS is a cruel mistress. I won't jinx us by giving any sort of odd prophetic advice or prognostication.


    3. If we can get there, do you think we have a serious shot at a run?

    As said above. No jinxing! That would be walking us into a trap.

    4. What improvements do you see that need to be made to continue our success?

    Same thing we've been doing all season. I think that's evident from how much improvement we've made in the last couple of seasons.


    5. Are there any video games out there that you can’t stop playing currently?

    I wish I had Cyberpunk, as I hear many of my friends are playing it now. But I am stuck on Pathfinder: Kingmaker - it's a very interesting game!


    6. How many hours of sleep do you need minimum to function normally?

    For a single day? Zero, if I have a bit of coffee! Over a long period of time, four is probably my minimum.

  2. 1. We’ve taken a step back of late, going 4-6-2 over our last 12. Where can we improve to get back on track?

    Fewer penalties, probably. I don't like being on short-handed time so much during our games.


    2. Who do you believe has been the team MVP so far and why?

    Ajay Krishna, I'd think. We have seen how poorly we've generally performed with him off the ice, and I think that describes exactly what an MVP is.


    3. Where do you feel you as a player have improved the most since last season?

    Mmm, probably defense? Our penalty kill percentage speaks for itself.


    4. Which underachiever is more likely to salvage their season: Los Angeles or Davos?

    I'm pretty sure Davos is cursed, so not them. Los Angeles will hopefully start putting things together, but it's hard to overcome the supernatural on Davos's side.


    5. How do you take your coffee/tea?

    I like my tea pretty strong. Earl Grey, steeped two minutes, leave the bag in.


    6. Which team from the most recent expansion will be the first to win a cup?

    We'll see. I'm not a fan of mortgaging the future in favor of a quick fix, so I don't mind if we're not the first.

  3. 1. S75 starts this week! How pumped are you for the season?

    Eh... kinda excited, I guess? I mean, it's alright... just kidding! Of course I'm pumped! Let's go HIT SOME SCRUBS!!!

    2. Are there any specific goals for yourself that you have this year?

    Finish with more points and a better +/- than last season! I'm making that a goal for the rest of my time in the league. Every season has to be better than the last.


    3. There have been a few more trade talks for Warsaw, would you rather keep future assets or try and improve right now?

    I'm not really a manager. I'm gonna leave the tough decisions up to the guys who get paid to make them. It would be weird if one of us Danes just started coming in and making decisions for a Polish team, don't you think?

    4. Was there anything during the off-season that surprised you in the league?

    Not particularly. There were some lopsided trades, but my agent has been in the league long enough to know sometimes teams get fleeced.

    5. Do you feel the off-season went by quick or slow? What could be different to make it better for you?

    Pretty slowly, but I think that's because we weren't in the playoffs. I appreciated it going slowly because that way I could spend more time recuperating and reflecting on how I can live a better life.


    6. Does this roster have what it takes to sneak into the playoffs this year or are we a couple more away?

    The STHS powers that be decide that, not us. So I have no idea.

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