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Everything posted by Nobody

  1. Good couple of games this sim.
  2. oh yeah I'm sooo mad lol Me making these lists and articles is my fun. For you guys its other shit. To me coming on here making articles like that is fun. Teams don't care? Lol I'm sure teams do not want to draft anyone who refuses to play for them. Actually is helping those loser teams so they don't even consider me. You say I'm on the "do not draft list" funny since teams have told me how interested they are in me. Yeah if I was on every do not draft list no team would even talk to me. Go back to sucking off lol. Also funny thing is that my goal is to go undrafted, I want teams to pass on me. But if a team i want to play for drafts me so be it. I thought you would be the person that would know im not even 1% mad. Since our past dealings. I do this shit for amusement. I've gotten so much amusement out off pissing stamkos off its off the charts. This is fun for me. Expect more updated lists and mocking articles boys. I know how it passes people off. That is why I do it. Every response i get from what I now call the "loser crew" is proof of that. So please and I do mean please keep giving me responses. Have a good day girls. Off to watch Osweiler dissect the Chargers. Just like dissect stamkos with my comments. Oh...he mad now. No he's not mad, he's just having fun. But everyone else having fun isn't and they are mad.
  3. I guess I'll apply Don't know if I that's all I need to type or not.
  4. Man Moscow sucks, can only score 7 goals on the worst team in their conference.
  5. asking someone if they want a medal is like asking someone if they want a cookie, nobody will ever turn it down.
  6. Moscow Red Wolves center, Vincent Adultman has recently released a statement through the agency, TheNextGreatOne agency, which represents him. Below is the statement that was released. “Vincent Adultman will not sign with the team that drafts him, should they also draft Sir William Covington III. Although the likelihood of both of them being drafted to the same team is slim, since they are both centers. Should a team draft both Mr. Adultman and Mr. Covington III, Mr. Adultman would request a trade to the team’s number one rival, even if the team that were to trade Mr. Covington III. Should a team not draft Mr. Covington III, but drafts Mr. Adultman, they will not have to worry about not signing him as he will sign with that team.” We tried to reach out to Vincent Adultman about the statement he released, but was unable to reach him however got a comment from his agency, “The statement released by our client was made due to the recent comments from Sir William Covington III, trying to control exactly who he is being drafted by.” What impact will this statement have on the league is unkown at the time and may never be known unless Sir William Covington III and Vincent Adultman end up being drafted by the same team.
  7. and it's too easy to read for a McZ article.
  8. Gotta get a PT in mate! Those welfare claims aint helping you too much. I know, already did one just need to have it graded. But welfare claims add up over time.
  9. Nice that we are winning, sucks that Adultman isn't getting points.
  10. I thought facebook added an dislike button.
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