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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. need more votes
  2. need more votes
  3. vhlm practice sry
  4. @Mr. Power
  5. DON'T STRESS ME Kohler
  6. Tom Lincoln
  7. I'll call my russian guy @The Bread Man
  8. We need some heavy drugs
  9. I h8 u ?
  10. but real dope m8
  11. moon moon ?
  12. Should I do another one for the S54 draftee ? Should I make one focusing on the current generation of VHL players ? Make a resume of a specific dynasty or generation ? What are your thoughts/ideas ? SHould I focus my energy on a design ? Logo design ? Forum design ? ????
  13. John Locke, more like `NO LUCK AMRITE
  14. the physical D that can't skate
  15. vs
  16. vs
  17. winner chicken dinner
  18. winner chicken dinner
  19. If you still have fun, no
  20. I know a different type of shocker
  21. Frank broke my heart I'll break his ribs
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