Hello friends...and kendrick
Welcome to my new game that will probably fail in 2 weeks
But enjoy that 2 weeks of fun...I guess.
The game is simple, I took a random VHL that wasn't a 30 tpe scrub. To be eligible, the player had to play in the VHL at least once.
To find the player, you can ask me non subjective questions that I will answer by yes or no. You have 2 tries per player, but you can ask infinite question. You can ask 1 question at the time. So if you asked one, you gotta wait my answer to ask another one. Of course, " is the player *insert player name*" is obviously a try even though it was asked like a question.
You can ask me anything, i'll try to answer the question. You can ask me if a player played in a certain team or within a certain season slash era. Get creative...but make it possible for me to find it.
Since I'm starting the game... the first winner gets a sig from me! Houray
Lets the game begin