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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. No to both
  2. Some good shit right here
  3. @brovy EZ
  4. What a kind man
  5. I'm not your friend, buddy
  6. Yes Yes No No No
  7. Ayeeee lmao
  8. Yes, other people can ask questions too
  9. Suck it @Victor
  10. Hello friends...and kendrick Welcome to my new game that will probably fail in 2 weeks But enjoy that 2 weeks of fun...I guess. The game is simple, I took a random VHL that wasn't a 30 tpe scrub. To be eligible, the player had to play in the VHL at least once. To find the player, you can ask me non subjective questions that I will answer by yes or no. You have 2 tries per player, but you can ask infinite question. You can ask 1 question at the time. So if you asked one, you gotta wait my answer to ask another one. Of course, " is the player *insert player name*" is obviously a try even though it was asked like a question. You can ask me anything, i'll try to answer the question. You can ask me if a player played in a certain team or within a certain season slash era. Get creative...but make it possible for me to find it. Since I'm starting the game... the first winner gets a sig from me! Houray Lets the game begin
  11. Karnage's arrivage meant a lot of changes in the organization
  12. Aye lmao
  13. Doesnt mean scotty put less effort than me in his player. I think everything is relative to the era they were playing. Maybe Maurice Richards would be an east coast player today, but compared to his time, he was above the rest. Personnally, we gotta appreciate the record book and go beyond the number in our analysis on who was great and who was greater. I still top some prestigious record like GWG and I'm near the all time hit record. Even tho sscotty campbell's record won't be beaten,I think its a fair objective to try our best to near his.numbers.
  14. 11 hits Of course
  15. Wat
  16. Aye lmao
  17. not enough pts for your team amirite
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