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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. Don't get me wrong, i've pretty much crossed the slobo and the mvp from my list, I will only care about things I can control. Just odd that someone who will end 2nd in league history for gwg and pretty much top 10 everywhere never won the most outstanding/mvp in his career. But I don't really care from this point really. This season is a no brainer for edwin, it was more about the prior voting. I guess I was trying too hard.
  2. Accepted Thanks for everyone showing interest in my player. Jack and the franchise deserve a headstart for their next rebuild so I'll be glad to give that needed help. From this point, jack will be in control of my destiny ( dun dun dunnn) Jack, paint me like one of your french gurl.
  3. oh kendrick, my lord have you been molested by a habs fan or something your hate toward the fan base is inexplicable
  4. Kendrick assuming things whats new
  5. Habs fan But yeah, beside that injury, hes the flop master in his net. 6'8 and can't stand on his feet.
  6. And velvera is the true mvp honestly. The best pick ive ever made
  7. Gimmie access to the lrs for a sec and I will do that
  8. I've received no gold watches yet. I thought people were better at tampering !
  9. Making this an open vote is just as credible as the all star vote in the nhl.
  10. Jala created a tradition as we can see
  11. Good choice Dat 99 xp and 99 lead
  12. Depreciation done? Draper, are you out of your mind ?
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