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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. Overly saturated and over doing topaz shouldnt be a paid job imo
  2. terribly overdone FX
  3. I'll post some horrible online graphics that I found over time. Aka, don't do this kid
  4. I'll post some in here. Feel free to contribute
  5. Was expecting Papa Johns, ngl
  6. If I'm getting ban in one league, do I get a ban in all leagues????
  7. Can't we use html or bb-code anymore @Will ? The UI is terrible
  8. Not everyday that you have HQ pictures of shiny buckets You can ask me for some pictures HQ as well if you want some. Just need the date of the game
  9. Habs in 2020 : We belong right here
    Habs in 2021 : Wright belongs here

    1. Frank


      Ok but re-create.

  10. The font and glare is not so gucci in this scenario. Really like the general FX of your sig, I just think that font type doesnt exactly match the look of your sig. Cleanup a bit on the face/neck area where the texture is a little distracting
  11. The glare is a bit too strong/distracting. Higher up and a bit more subtle should do it. Bg and render blending is nice. A smaller more discret font could be cool as well
  12. Background doesnt match the look and feel of the render Render fx are a bit overdone, it makes it look like the render is LQ Blur the BG and color match it to the render tone and it should be gucci
  13. boubabi

    VHLE Expansion

    Normandy Rush
  14. Graphic reviews being inconsistent? Since S1 baby
  15. The jagged edges on the font ☠
  16. The font is really bringing this down. It looks like soneone just added a layer on top of your graphic to make it about his player lol. During my livestream, I talked about how I try to build my layout as soon as possible, before any FX and lighting. Therefore, I put the render and then I immediately work on the text. It gave my results that made the text a bit more incorporated to the sig. In this case, fire being the general theme, you could have worked with something that disintegrate or with some fire sparks. Text is difficult but it is mainly what will bring your graphics to the next level
  17. Senior Admin must be the funniest title I've ever seen. Who's to blame for that?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. boubabi


      How many years of experience do you need to get senior? Can other leagues admin role carryover? Does it come with a retirement plan?


      I have so many questions

    3. Will


      You just have to code a portal and then they let you do whatever you want 

    4. boubabi


      I'm giving u 3 TPE for the portal

      Thanks for your service

  18. QA Analyst. Basically, I'm paid to critic stuff. So my VHL experience is paying off. Suck it fong
  19. The idea was good, but the execution is lacking. By that, I mean the effects you went for were interesting, but in the end, they just make the sig be all over the place. The font is hard to read, the wiggles fx is not really working. The grunge textures on the right side plus the render fx makes the render look LQ. The left side is interesting but if you want to split the sig in half, the right side should be a continuity with a different twist instead of a completely different sig.
  20. Nucks fans, it's your time to get roasted. Click on my profil
    Aucune description disponible.

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