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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. grats, r'tard. You'll recieve this shit via PM or FedEx
  2. You wrote twice. and I'll announce the winner tomorrow
  3. Paul Breakaway Byron Ortio sucks though
  4. Is it halloween already or undead really comes back to life ?
  5. it looks like only Dutch Gretzky is playing for the Habs tonight
  6. Eaglesfan out for not playing by the rules
  7. I don't know about you guys, but there's one number that could be use here
  8. Speaking of 3rd period let down.
  9. Just post a number between 1 and 100 and it's yours Or you can bribe me *wink* *wink*
  10. toronto defense dressing up as a swiss cheese for halloween
  11. Montreal Impact up 3-0 vs TFC after 45 minutes woooo
  12. Just to clarify, I'm guessing you're highlighting the part where you were voted MVP, and not the part where Boubabi was named Top GM?
  13. I'll DDOS the shit out of this.
  14. why the hell you keep posting this shit in VHL radio
  15. But fo real, it doesn't work. Seems like somebody forgot to pay the bills
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