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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. Tanev better than Petry ? euhhhh Have you seen him in Montreal ? edit : nvm
  2. so tell me Kendrick, why Marc Bergevin gave to Jeff Petry 5,5M ? How much should he really have ? Boychuk signend for 6M, Leddy for 5,5M Methot 5M Scandella 4M Braun 4M
  3. I'm speaking of Girardi I stil lthink that having Yandle on a 1st line pairing is a flaw.
  4. I didn't said he sucks, I said he wasn't THAT good (since you've put his name with Keith and OEL) Kendrick changing my words, whats new.
  5. ahahahahahahahah go GM a team kendrick, ur 2 gud
  6. it's the new nhl, those contracts were signed before that. And Dan Girardi isn't that good.
  7. should I pull a "Bruce Jenner" on myself gorlab ? Is that what you are saying ?
  8. Hello girls I want to play with Illustrator a bit in the next few days. Last time, I redesigned Davos and it haven't received the anticipated reaction. That's why I wanted to make a poll to know your opinion before I even try something. I had some ideas in mind but I want to know some of yours. So let me know in your comment some of your ideas/scheme that I could try. Au revoir.
  9. If someone played/watched the telltale episode (ep3.), listen to this epic song.
  10. (C3) Chicago vs (A2) Tampa Bay Winner: Chicago # of Games: 6
  11. woah slaughter, slow the fuck down
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