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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. Oh yes, Smarch and DT weren't near Stockholm when they were hired. Brovy too. Neither Green. Eaglesfans too
  2. well, there was no need to make a thread for that. He could have asked or look by himself since he has access to the section and I was online.
  3. dang, I can fap to this good move CGY
  4. I'll acquire taron and kel soon. Maybe diamond_ace too
  5. Mr. Baller, Kel, Boomcheck was, Taron47 diamond_ace do I need to continue ?
  6. dang, at least the pick was good too, but what a steal.
  7. loosing his virginity like a champ
  8. 20 bucks for s44 1 Dollar canadien = 0.788759 Dollars are you cereal ? double double 5 free
  9. Kesler's behavior doesn't explain yours. So if you want to be a dick, good for you, but I wouldn't suggest that comportment on the board. You are just making the whole Bear organization foolish.
  10. No need to be a dick about it. The whole league was surprised of your win, so no need to bash kesler because of that. Move on.
  11. rub salt in the wound much?
  12. Glad it tooks only 3 resims ! GG
  13. Monday : ---> S45 draft, not S44
  14. Bushito for top GM
  15. oh wow gratz Seattle
  16. gratz bern
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