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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. freaking riga
  2. We want Vasteras all over again, of course.
  3. In 15 min Link : http://original.livestream.com/redphoenixstream
  4. Well, they received that player for free too (FA)
  5. 6/6
  6. edit : 2late. It was delicious tho
  7. we will see in the end, but still, I lost 2 pts for sure plus I've lost 2 times without having my new lines in. Those losts could result as me playing Davos in the first round instead of having a BYE. So yes, there's more than individuals stats here.
  8. Oh
  9. I lost my edge on Colgone too. So yes, there's actually a stake
  10. Banack be like
  11. boubabi


    what do you mean by "fuck" ?
  12. yup, I like it.
  13. Spoiler tho https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODNc4LX5cac&feature=player_embedded
  14. Good luck with that
  15. Sure, cause playoffs aren't a team acheivement
  16. Kendrick is starting to understand how a unrestricted free agent works. If you would have paid a bit more attention, my first post was "5,5M ew" which means that I wasn't pleased with that price but the market being what it is, I'm glad we could grab him at that price, which is fair for both side.
  17. Looks like you have too much Yandles
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