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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. Font is cool. Overall flow too. Needs more lights on his face though imo Good work
  2. My point streak is ending :'(
  3. Frank wins ! Congrats to everyone who participated. Awards will be given soon.
  4. Its a motherfucking tie! Lets see who's gonna win the final race
  5. 30 inches ? What is this? Africa?
  6. K olsen and willie weber haven't been depreciated
  7. and it's over contrasted I'm ashamed of this sig, plz, forgive me.
  8. damn I must know who was Koradek all this time, I need to argue or at least know what he meant
  9. Gabrial Johnson, YOU'VE MADE THE WRONG CHOICE.
  10. http://www.livestream.com/redphoenixstream
  11. http://www.livestream.com/redphoenixstream come and chill
  12. I'm doing a live sig soon so if you have questions, go on.
  13. It was as smooth as my pickup lines "Hey gurl, wanna fuck ?"
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