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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. Goalasoooooo
  2. Font is cool. Overall flow too. Needs more lights on his face though imo Good work
  3. My point streak is ending :'(
  4. Lel
  5. Frank wins ! Congrats to everyone who participated. Awards will be given soon.
  6. Its a motherfucking tie! Lets see who's gonna win the final race
  7. 30 inches ? What is this? Africa?
  8. K olsen and willie weber haven't been depreciated
  9. lul
  10. both version looks dope V2 for me
  11. and it's over contrasted I'm ashamed of this sig, plz, forgive me.
  12. damn I must know who was Koradek all this time, I need to argue or at least know what he meant
  13. Gabrial Johnson, YOU'VE MADE THE WRONG CHOICE.
  14. gosh, not my best work
  15. http://www.livestream.com/redphoenixstream
  16. today was a good day
  17. http://www.livestream.com/redphoenixstream come and chill
  18. dope work
  19. I'm doing a live sig soon so if you have questions, go on.
  20. In about 30 minutes ?
  21. I'm blind as fuck #confirmed
  22. It was as smooth as my pickup lines "Hey gurl, wanna fuck ?"
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