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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. Happy received an offer to work at Sherwood Hockey
  2. Ending the voting like tommorow night
  3. personally, I see no links.
  4. Looking for a new one since Kesler have been promoted to VHL You can be a freelance writer or you can write about stats, i don't really care. Just link some of your articles here Pay : 7 tpe a week.
  5. John Cena or George St-Pierre ? I would watch the one who's not already set and not fake. *grabs popcorn*
  6. Jte ferais pas mal. "Jte" is the shorten way to say Je te in Quebec. and combine with "ferais pas mal" and the picture of the chick it means that I won't hurt her, which has a sexual reference.
  7. I'm creating activity. Gimme TPE.
  8. and I was drafted when I had 90 TPE. of course, Tordahl and Kellinger had a lot more but I still hit the 1100 TPE. Hard work is rewarding.
  9. and I wouldn't consider Jericho as inactive. Half of his career, he topped the TPE cap and even at the end, he continue to do the pajodcast which gave him 6 tpe a week. Now, he writes on the mag so he earned his 9 tpe a week again.
  10. and cap shouldn't be raise. If we see that the TPE gain is increasing constantly, it might helps but atm, the 32 million salary cap helps the parity of the league. NY was lucky to have Slaughter on his rookie contract, that why they were stacked. GM should time their cup run so they have quality player on their rookie contract.
  11. you must flood the forum with that picture first
  12. edgar, I double dare you
  13. --------> Da trifecta
  14. S40 : 7M (or 5 if there is a maximum) Be my franchise defensemen bottom bitch
  15. well, it was pretty much set when I received my VAS S40 1st back with Edgar 3 teams were set better then me at the beginning of the season so it wasn't an hard choice tbh.
  16. Cheating is winning
  17. Part 1/4 of 1/2
  18. it's already like that 3 cuts for 6 tpe or 4 cuts for 7 but dunno if you can do a PT with that
  19. your a moron (the grammatical mistake was the joke)
  20. I would recommend the Sennheiser MM 70s. Sennheiser do good products with a solid audio performance. They are like 100$ bucks though.
  21. are you more of a basshead or you like more mid/high frequency ?
  22. How much money are you willing to invest on those ?
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