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Everything posted by Bushito

  1. I'm fine with math but I won't waste my time on calculating you e-net worth.
  2. It's posts like this that make this shit active, need more of it tbh.
  3. You are absolutely right I make 54 an hour and my shift is 21 days on at 12 hours a day right now and then I take a week off. It's not going to make me a multi billionaire like Robbie but I love my job and it provides all I need.
  4. Schooled on what? Lying on-line, thanks for the lesson. I would be upper middle class though as I'm not really close to the poverty line. If you do any kind of stock trading you must be pumped with what Trump is doing, stock market hasn't been this good in the last 17-20 years. But yeah I would venture a guess you come from money and you piss around on the stock market in your underwear at best, losing daddies money.
  5. If you made 648$ every 10 minutes you wouldn't be on this web site, tell those lies to someone dumb enough to believe it.
  6. Don't threaten me with a good time you halfwit scrub. "I'm so rich, look at me throw temper tantrums." You and Pinkhippie are both a pair of moronic children. Bet neither of you earned a dime in your life, have no work ethic and are straight up little pussies seeing who can tell the biggest bullshit stories on line.
  7. Well then don't accept the money and quit whining like a little punk bitch over 2 imaginary mil on a fucking sim league site. lol
  8. You have lost 20K at a casino in one day? Maybe the casino isn't for you.
  9. You won't lose anything, I'll bonus you to max cash for the season, I have plenty
  10. If a GM needs to be demoted...
  11. That's on hell of a process that team went through
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