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Everything posted by Bushito

  1. It almost was but I didn't like the sound of it.
  2. Yukon offers $1,000,000 and I accept
  3. Username: @Bushito Full Name: Jasper Canmore Position: Center Age: 21 Handedness: right Recruited By/From: ADV Player Attributes Total Points Earned: 30 CK = Checking: 40 FG = Fighting: 40 DI = Discipline: 40 SK = Skating: 70 ST = Strength: 40 PH = Puck Handling: 40 FO = Face Offs: 40 PA = Passing: 40 SC = Scoring: 40 DF = Defense: 40 PS = Penalty Shot: 40 EX = Experience: 40 LD = Leadership: 40 Other Jersey Number: 15 Height (inches): 80 Weight (lbs.): 250 Birthplace: Edmonton Alberta
  4. A little to blurry and I'm not a fan of the text. The lighting could use work as well but these are pretty minor because this is pretty damn nice.
  5. Bushito

    Guntis Petenis

    Yes I can read but the thing is Riga Can't claim you, Davos doesn't have the cap room and a free asset is a free asset.
  6. Bushito

    STO/QUE; S56

    I have retired Abbott and I will be recreating in about 2 hours when my company leaves. I have a player 2 and I am not bringing him in, I actually hate that loser Kensington, he's headed for the pasture soon, like next deadline.
  7. Bushito

    STO/QUE; S56

    I have 7 picks, no worries, you can sit until you sign and play a rookie contract.
  8. To be honest, a new member seeing a BOG shit talk the league is more detrimental than any shit talk post. Maybe someone remove his BOG status since he's not doing the job anyway. I like you @Devise but if that's the way you feel just go and leave it to the rest that care.
  9. The past few days of VHL have been among my favorite. Both you turds mouthed me off for so long. "What a shit GM this guy is,." "Suiting person for Stockholm." I put both you clowns on tilt to the tune of one flame war and one GM retirement. Hey at least you can sleep on a bed of money tonight Zimmers, lol.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gudnason


      When I ever mouth you off or said those two quotes? :o

    3. BluObieZ


      He makes things up like Kendrick. 

    4. DollarAndADream


      Sad I missed it all live.

  10. I need to draft both Gudnason and Ko Kane, change the team back to Vasteras, sit back and watch it burn, lol.
  11. Wanted to hit 1,000 TPE with him but I need to put my team first and having a retirement aged defender when we compete versus a stud in his prime is just prudent planning.
  12. Bushito

    STO/QUE; S56

    To Quebec: Hudson Abbott S58 STO 2nd To STO: S58 Que 1st S57 CGY 2nd @Frank Welcome to Stockholm Ko Kane, you can finally help your buddy, what's his name? The goaltender one.
  13. Every team I put together wins a cup, how about yours? Fuck outta here and retire your GM instead of your player, lol.
  14. Don't listen to that turd, he just rage retired last night.
  15. I can guarantee I don't take Kensington with a top 3 pick, that would be absolutely stupid with a top 3 pick in this draft and this retardedly inflated goalie market.
  16. You can definitely recreate now. It's the week of the deadline and you're good to go.
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