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Everything posted by Gudnason

  1. Well last season Ottawa had no problems signing a lot of waiver pickups and reaching their $5M cap.
  2. And to not fuck over any future VHL GM's when they draft me next year, them knowing that one of my players will only have a season length of 5 instead of 8, it will remain undecided even to myself, and not revealed until S59 which of Fong or Ying will be retiring at S59? Is that a win-win?
  3. And as a finale, copying what I wrote on @Street x Lite's podcast... He made great points, the one that stood out the most to me being that since I don't know when, new players who joined after the draft and before the next draft are now free agent style waiver pickups free to sign with any team who has a $5 million cap to sign as little as 3 players ($2M x2, $1M x1) or as much as 10 players at $500k minimum. Didn't know when this started as before it was a waiver claim, where the top team in the waiver priority would automatically get the player if they were interested, and teams had 24 hours to state their intentions to claim the player... That is a big flaw. Because a lot of new players from now until the rest of the season, will be signing with Vegas. And @JardyB10, I apologize for not understanding your plans for competing this year, because I thought they were non-existent. I totally forgot about recreates at the trade deadline or before that with a significant recreate TPE, and you acquiring maybe some of Oslo, Saskatoon, or Yukon's assets to gear up for a run against Vegas. Actually, I thought Oslo would be the biggest competitor to Vegas this year so if Oslo drafted me, I wouldn't have retired because I knew he had aspirations to compete. It was just unfortunate I was unaware of your aspirations to compete otherwise I wouldn't have retired Fong and created Ying.
  4. I understand @JardyB10's rant on the cyclical nature of the VHLM and how it is supposed to be a "developmental" league, whatever that means, but let's face it, everyone wants to win. While I am sure @Frank and @Banackock will be making long-term changes to the VHLM after this season to prevent further such seasons, what I propose in the short term is... I keep both Clarence Fong the goalie on Ottawa so I don't fuck over Jardy for the next two seasons, and Rudy Ying becomes my project two player. I understand there is no three-season gap, so let's come to an agreement that I will have to force-retire one of Fong or Ying after five seasons instead of eight, so joining the S55 VHL Entry Draft, I will have to retire one of Fong or Ying at S59. Deal? Thought long and hard and that is the best win-win I can come up of.
  5. @Beketov @Street x Lite I should also note to those saying that the biggest fuck up was letting the Brampton people decide where to go. Pretty sure Vegas would have been stacked anyways and running away with the Cup even without Rowe, Syndergaard, and Jokinen. No disrespect to their talents though. It was more of them having too many draft picks in the now five-team draft. It would have been less stacked if there was still seven teams, as at the least Dexter Lane and Slava Aleksei, perfectly functional top-line or at the worst depth players would be assigned to other teams and Vegas would only really have Vernon Von Axelberry, Felix Savard, Takashi Fujimoto, and Rudolph. Which they just happened to luck out and have the top 3 picks of the draft without purposely trading for them after it was known which teams had the three worst records. Recall Brampton had the first three picks last year as well, it was just a shame the players they took were not the three best on the board, as they left available talents such as Fook Yu instead taking MA Leblanc. Could have challenged Ottawa more last year.
  6. @JardyB10 While I am upset with Anderson and would like nothing more than for this to somehow blow up in his face, this isn't meant to be a "Fuck that guy" thread, or a classic angry Jardy rant. But I digress, what this thread is really about is the VHLM as a whole. Sorry, but I do want to rectify as well, and I will post my proposal a few posts down.
  7. @JardyB10 As you may or may not have noticed, Anderson retired his goalie and re-created essentially just to maximize his chances to win a Founder's Cup this season. This was quite unfortunate for my Ottawa Lynx, as he was my first round draft pick, and I had him pegged to start this season and next, with him being ~2nd best goalie (and best active goalie) in the league by playoffs this season, and the best goalie across the board by next season. It would have been two solid competing seasons. I had a full plan for competing this season, but he never gave me a chance to share it, or even to communicate at all. Even if he didn't like the direction of the team, we maybe could have worked something out, whether it was a trade or me using my Rigging powers to turn him back into a forward or something. And if not, then he could have retired, and at least I tried. But I never got that chance, so that's particularly frustrating. I was also not aware you were actually interested in my services to compete, as we had never been in touch before the draft, whereas multiple other GMs did contact me. I knew in the draft thread you said you were delighted to still see me on the board, but from my impression on you, you always like to write sentences in the draft thread instead of just posting a name, so I didn't take that too seriously.
  8. Thank you once again for answering my questions... As for my suggestions, although I do have points to counter your arguments, I will not as I understand my suggestions are just suggestions and I understand a lot of decisions have to be made and accounted for before they are taken further and actually established. Just wanted your opinions since a few people "liked" it but no one replied. I don't mind you bashing at them, but as I said I will not take it any further, simply because, for the fantasy option, even if the reward was a measly 1 TPE, I get where you are coming from that it is too easy to pick goalscorers on a day-by-day basis. For the second suggestion, I get that you take away from the main point of the season, so case closed. Good luck in your chase for the Top Rookie, a 2nd Shaw, and that elusive Continental Cup. @Beketov
  9. @Street x Lite you make great points, the one that stood out the most to me being that since I don't know when, new players who joined after the draft and before the next draft are now free agent style waiver pickups free to sign with any team who has a $5 million cap to sign as little as 3 players ($2M x2, $1M x1) or as much as 10 players at $500k minimum. Didn't know when this started as before it was a waiver claim, where the top team in the waiver priority would automatically get the player if they were interested, and teams had 24 hours to state their intentions to claim the player...
  10. Sorry fell asleep last night, will continue to reply and rectify in a bit when I wake up.
  11. @JardyB10 I had a full plan for competing this season, but he never gave me a chance to share it, or even to communicate at all. Even if he didn't like the direction of the team, we maybe could have worked something out, whether it was a trade or me using my Rigging powers to turn him back into a forward or something. And if not, then he could have retired, and at least I tried. But I never got that chance, so that's particularly frustrating. Once again, I was not aware of your intentions of competing this season. I know I asked you in the locker room but I guess your perfectly acceptable delayed non-response was taken by me as your silent admission that you would not be able to seriously defend your championship this season. Once again, I was not aware you are busy at a new job, and from my observations of you in the past while you seemed to be not very active, or not as active as you were before, since your impression for me is a hardcore dedicated member who is always active.
  12. @JardyB10 This was quite unfortunate for my Ottawa Lynx, as he was my first round draft pick, and I had him pegged to start this season and next, with him being ~2nd best goalie (and best active goalie) in the league by playoffs this season, and the best goalie across the board by next season. It would have been two solid competing seasons. To be honest, whether it was Fong the LW, Fong the goalie, or even now with Rudi Ying, I am undecided on my future. Ever since I heard of Sokolov's attempt at three Founder's Cups, I wanted to achieve that. Since Brampton didn't win last season, none of the above players would have had a shot at three. So I was still debating on recreating once again at the S54 trade deadline for a shot at three. Plus TPE whores love to recreate at the deadline. Or I could have gone the other route of purposely exceeding the 200 TPE cap in the S54 offseason to force myself up to the VHL and take the big leagues by storm as a rookie like Terence Fong did with the Avangard Havoc. So, the point is you were never guaranteed two seasons of Fong the goalie.
  13. @JardyB10 Today was a pretty big shit pill for me to swallow as a VHLM GM. I would like to once again publicly apologize first and foremost to Jardy for not considering the consequences of my decisions, and to the other players and teams in the VHLM whose selfish decision of mine has impacted. I want to once again stress that I am fully willing to cooperate and rectify this problem to the best of my ability.
  14. There were quite a lot of inactives in this draft and even more people who aren't inactive but I would not call active either. Sure, that won't retire and recreate to join Vegas, but they might just not come back to the VHL if they are getting shit on by Vegas game in and game out.
  15. I will get on my computer after work in two hours and post everything from my side/point of view. I will also offer any alternatives and fixes I can possibly do to address everything that I have caused or lead to issues that are more highlighted because of my actions.
  16. False. Don't blame him. It was my sole intent to retire/recreate to join Vegas and win.
  17. @BobertZ appearing all apologetic and sympathetic but still adamant that his team is the best and he cannot help that. And I have yet to chime in in @JardyB10's concerns. #VHLMbetterthanVHL

    1. Advantage


      He really doesn't have a reason to be apologetic.  He did what any good GM would do.

  18. At work now will take time to read and reply and voice my opinions in the next hour or two. @JardyB10 I really do sincerely apologize if I fucked you over and never gave you a chance to explain or answer, as I didn't know you are busy at work because from my POV you didn't respond and have been inactive as of late.
  19. @Will well damn that's 32 TPE lost! Had 62 on Fong
  20. Gudnason

    Rudy Ying

    Is that in US dollars or Canadian dollars? Give me 12 hours to calculate my living expenses in Vegas for a year and I'll let you know on my decision.
  21. And the fact 5 teams means only 5 active FA slots. Pretty sure we have at least 6 active FAs.
  22. None of you offered him a salary lol
  23. I doubt you drafted five right wingers to play center
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