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Everything posted by Gudnason

  1. thank god i decided to try out podcasts just in time. will be doing a shit load of writing at sba now and also at efl, and have two english courses this term, so no more writing here for a while

  2. Nice I am still last even after scoring
  3. http://www108.zippyshare.com/v/QprZOd1U/file.html - Answered questions from @Gooningitup - Talked about my penis like @JardyB10 requested - Talked a little bit about VFHL and @Strtlght calling Boner this year's fantasy darling - Revealed my secret tactic on dominating the VFHL - Reanswered one question from @tfong Song is "Hometown"
  4. http://www108.zippyshare.com/v/RmxrX1iO/file.html - Answered questions from @tfong about my cars - Talked about how a discussion with @Beaviss reignited a proposal from @Banackock that I think should be looked at Song is a female cover of "I went to Beijing for a better future"
  6. 7 goals and no one with more than 3 point scoring weird
  7. Helping Cologne create job opportunities for the Smallwoods, Detlevs, Gislers, and Tobolsks out there
  8. Wild 5-2 Aces
  9. Vegas Oslo Ottawa
  10. Go fuck yourself permaban this racist
  11. @Beaviss last week is 1
  12. OK the slow way doesn't work. I'll re-convert episode 2 and 3. 2 - http://www103.zippyshare.com/v/ylMGUcms/file.html 3 - http://www103.zippyshare.com/v/IKExbu7b/file.html Enjoy
  13. These work for you? 1 - http://www56.zippyshare.com/v/ieuSYaWP/file.html 2 - http://www56.zippyshare.com/v/uXitnIqo/file.html 3 - http://www56.zippyshare.com/v/5WicaIk4/file.html I did episode 1 using a slower way, and episode 2/3 using a faster way, if that makes any difference.
  14. What format do you want it in, mp3?
  15. Yeah he can if he trades for the second one. He can't just sign his own guy in FA.
  16. Teach me how and if it's simple enough, sure
  17. Boubabi says this isn't a good file format. Well my iPhone does m4a format. If anyone knows how to find a site that plays m4a I can upload it there.
  18. Week Ending Oct 22/17 (continued) Podcast +7 (PT Upgrade) VHL Radio +1 (already claimed +1 for Fan590 but want to upgrade it to VHL Radio) Practice Facility +1 Skating +9: 41 > 50 TPE Count: 66 + 9 = 75
  19. Player Name: Birkir Holm Gudnason II VHLM Team: Ottawa Ice Dogs Cash you have: $2,000,000 Purchase Name: Point Task Upgrade Cost of Purchase: $2,000,000 Cash Left: $0 Might as well use it so I can slack a bit more since I'm too broke to buy other stuff
  20. http://www109.zippyshare.com/v/WAZ3ZdpH/file.html
  21. @boubabi what the hell even is Cing Chong anyways http://www98.zippyshare.com/v/5gYcEV1D/file.html
  22. Jacob for Moon, problem solved.
  23. You're welcome @Bring Back Chat
  24. Nice euphemism for Gudnason sucks
  25. Yes Ying has the same amount of points as Cornerstone! and lolwut 1 shot by cornerstone
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