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Everything posted by Gudnason

  1. Bring back the Avangaard Havoc
  2. Just realized SBA has Team Africa for their Olympics or World Cup. We are waaaaaay behind
  3. Ibiza Rave
  4. Should have moved Smallwood lol, he has been a beast goalscorer last two years.
  5. Sources tell me Mitch Higgins turned down Rudi Ying for an inactive, a 1st, and a 3rd. Wow!

    1. Beketov


      You should probably check your sources' credibility

    2. BOOM


      Probably because he didn't want to screw over the other GM by taking that 1st rd pick. Higgins has an excellent moral compass.

  6. Rudi Ying has been informed by Chinese military officials that he is to end his holdout immediately as he needs game time with elite talent to prepare for the Olympics. @Higgins

  7. Sergei Komarov beats up Jake Scheel at 19:12 of 2nd period
  8. And wait until the travel screws Oslo over lol
  9. Dafuq Rayne is staying down? Guess Ottawa can't just roll over Vegas then
  10. When did Arizona get a team lol
  11. I'm sure they'll win a draft lottery or two amirite
  12. Syria didn't make it
  13. Didn't he retire from international play though
  14. Zlatan out
  15. How many goalies you still have now? Remember you guys had like four a few years ago
  16. LMFAO wow
  17. When did Dexter Lane become a forward
  18. RIP Syria
  19. Count me in
  20. 5-2-4
  21. For your first-line center you fool
  22. In before Higgins signs Jacob to a contract with Helsinki
  23. Send Helsinki a S59 4th lol
  24. Definition of failed?
  25. Honestly don't see why they won't allow the move... It's not like we're moving them to Spain and calling them the Ibiza Rave
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