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Everything posted by Beaviss

  1. I'll make a new (clicker) player. (minimum $75) You can pick the name and pos etc. and guide me.
  2. F - maximus decimus meridius
  3. F- Nils Godlander
  4. I'm in
  5. Nah they don't you can retire as champ
  6. Q. 1. What is a better sport Golf or Baseball and why? 2. Out of all the teams in the league what team would you want to GM? 3. Are you changing your build with the upcoming changes or going to try to stay similar?
  7. Welcome to the league! You must have seen my post on there! Its unfortunate that MetroHo has been left alone by the developer! Let me know if you need any help getting started!
  8. Questions: 1. What was the first horror movie that scared you as a kid? a. The Descent - That movie was beyond freaky and made me want to avoid caves forever 2. If you are a gamer, are you more of a solo player or an online game player? a. It depends on the game. Witcher 3 is the GOAT but I play MMO's for more hours so it depends on my mood 3. What is that one thing you can't stop buying? a. Food. I go out to eat a couple times a week and golf would most likely be 2nd. Questions: 1. If you could do one job for the rest of your life what would it be and why? 2. If you could make 120k yearly to cheat in videogames would you do it? 3. What is one place you want to visit and why?

  10. Questions: 1. Early predictions at whos going top 3 in this seasons draft? 2. What is your players plan for the off season? They going to resign? Go on Vacation? 3. Its Friday! (at least at the time of typing this) What are your plans for the weekend if any?
  11. I might if you paid me
  12. not too shitty hbu
  13. Poptarts back!
  14. top 5
  15. Hello @Mark Let me know if you need any help creating a player or getting started in the league!
  16. Ill apply for both! Preference if it matters: Toronto
  17. Beserker is a chad class and you can't convince me otherwise
  18. Forum Content
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