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Everything posted by Beaviss

  1. All Star Game will most likely be simmed and live streamed Friday Night or Sunday Night. Time to be announced later
  2. PUBLIC ALL STAR GOALIE SELECTIONS Tristan Iseult @Arthur Norris Stopko @Bushito Alexander Pepper @Sonnet Roger Sterling @Will
  3. PUBLIC ALL STAR VOTE SELECTIONS: Jasper Canmore (CGY) @Bushito Podrick Cast (RIG) @Victor Edwin Preencarnacion (RIG) @Tagger Vaydar Odinsson (HSK) @BOOM™ Julian Borwinn (HSK) @Jubo07 Matt Thompson (SEA) @Beketov
  4. ALL STAR DEFENSE PUBLIC VOTE SELECTIONS: Joseph Bassolino (RIG) @Smarch Sidney Crosby (HSK) @SidTheKid87 Joseph McWolf (NYA) @McWolf Mats Johnsson (CGY) @Quik Robert Malenko (SEA) @pennypenny David Kiaskov (SEA) @Exlaxchronicles Congratulations
  5. @Will on my way back from Cancun can you do me a solid?
  6. Weird because those aren't the lines I did....
  7. @Will why do my lines never get updated?
  8. @Will lost to New York..... Sent new lines in
  9. Well at least I'm good enough to beat empty space
  10. Next you can do Keaton for HOF Honors
  11. @Will lines kinda sent in since I'm not home
  12. worth reading the old man ramblings for the dog photo.
  13. Hello Everyone, It is with sadness that the Recruitment team is having one of our members step down. @Tagger revolutionized the Retention role and excelled greatly at it. He will be stepping down as he will be more busy and believes that he cannot give the role he believes it deserves. @Tagger had this to say "Some opportunities are coming up for me in the real world and I won't be able to keep up with what is required for this role when they become available to me." As sad as it is to see him go we knew we had to find the right member for the job. One of our first choices @McWolf has accepted the job and will be immediately be taking over duties as Recruitment Team (Retention) he will be taking over all of @Tagger's roles within the Recruitment Team. Welcome to the Team @McWolf!
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