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Everything posted by Beaviss

  1. Beaviss

    So far...

    No hating on nucks fans! @DilIsPickle
  2. Thanks for your years @Higgins!
  3. Welcome to the league how did you hear about us?
  4. After Keaton leaves in FA Calgary will suck......... Fight on!
  5. Thats why I comment on here and there that way Im missing nothing. I also think the amount of people that are using mobile also greatly effects the number of convos on the site itself. Even I comment more on discord when im on my phone. When im at work and have a pc in front of me that is where I comment on the site. A more mobile friendly version of the site would be better for increased amount of convos or even an app.
  6. I think we just have to make it more appealing to comment on here. more content etc.
  7. Its rumored NHL 2020 is going to be on PC imagine the mods we could do to make it work.
  8. Thats a cool idea, that was something I was going to kinda start as a side project. Dont have the time currently tho
  9. I've already emailed him ill create a thread in the BOG for all emails back and forth between me and him that way we can group our ideas together for wanted changes.
  10. I find as I get older I dislike change more but as @TheLastOlympian07 said its really adapt or die. I like the automation as its easier on the people that have the hardest jobs. I always find that people complain also for the sake of complaining also and that people really just dont try it and hate it already before they even attempt it Example: @iRockstar
  11. That's encouraging I'll see if I can get into contact with Simon if you wish @Beketov
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