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Everything posted by Beaviss

  1. Why do we keep losing to the Las Vegas Asses?
  2. They work! Can you convert the one you did last week that's the one I really want to hear?
  3. anything that can be streamed not downloaded
  4. Cant you upload them so I can stream them I honestly want to listen but I don't want to download them every time
  5. @Green coming in clutch lately
  6. @Exlaxchronicles with the shoot out winner!
  7. He has 12 hours to choose what team or teams have 12 hours to submit a offer before he can pick
  8. Ottawa Lynx offers $1 Million @Konan713
  9. Welcome if you need anything just ask!
  10. This week has been bad for the Lynx and Louth.....

  11. Completely forgot I was in this lol gonna go check how bad my draft was!
  12. Inb4 Ottawa takes first place next week
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