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Everything posted by Beaviss

  1. @JoonaIceman it has been 12 hours you can accept any of the offers posted here.
  2. Keaton Louth signs up he can play in any category
  3. Since there is a bit of confusion in this thread please post the players names with your claim. @Fire Hakstol @Spade18 @Gooningitup @TheLastOlympian07 The order of players being claimed right now are. 1. D - Luc-Pierre Lespineau-Lebrunette, TPE: 60 @FacePuncher leading claim is @Beaviss 2. G - Marcel St-Laurent, TPE: 53 @Frank leading claim is @Gooningitup GM's will now have 12 hours to beat the leading claim before the player goes to the highest claimer.
  4. Ottawa Lynx passes no more room on the roster...
  5. Ottawa Lynx offers $1 Million @JoonaIceman after 12 hours you can accept any offer in this thread!
  6. Welcome! I'll be tagging you in a free agent thread please look over the teams offering and accept an offer! Also if you need anything or have any questions please ask I'm usually very quick to respond!
  7. I read most of it! Agree with Ish almost all the points here especially the 590. I don't even do them beacuse I can't get my point across in 150 words.
  8. So the VHL has been quiet lately

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. hedgehog337


      And maybe @DollarAndADream should check my reviews and approve them.

    3. DollarAndADream


      Review Logs are approved on Mondays/Tuesdays. I always do them on Mondays/Tuesdays. Although I could maybe put in an exception. :P

    4. boubabi


      bring back punkhippie 



  9. 168 Saskatoon Wild 169 Ottawa Lynx 170 Saskatoon Wild
  10. Lead writer Kent Burkitt for the popular magazine Blue Line News here with an interview of Keaton Louth, the young prospect of the Quebec Meute. Q. Not every rookie player has the chance to make the post season, especially a top 5 pick, how excited are you to be running for the post season? A. Some people have been disappointed with my performance thus far this year. The Quebec Meute believed that they were getting a Defenceman with a lot of offensive upside. So far they haven't received that yet but im working on getting used to the speed of the VHL game. The change really took me by surprise and my numbers are showing that. Q. Going into the season knowing that the Quebec Meute have traded away one of their star players, what level of expectations did you set for yourself and the team as a whole. A. Well leading the VHLM in scoring for the majority of the year really increased my vision of myself in the VHLM. At the beginning of the season I was hoping to be a Top 10 Defenceman in points, so far that hasn't worked out but I'll be addressing that in my practices and my off ice workouts. The team is coming off a cup winning season so expectations in the locker room are high as we know if we play to the coaches game we can repeat. If I can be a defensive wall in the post season I've done my job even if im not putting points up. Q. You had a shaky start to the season but have recently been turning it around. What are you doing now to better your on ice performance? A. My start to the season was a bit disappointing especially my foot speed. The speed of the players in the VHL compared to the VHLM is staggering. I wasn't ready for the speed but my main focus right now is getting faster and smoother in skating. As a defenceman I was getting beaten into the corners by the opponents far to often and that was hurting the team and my numbers. Now that my speed has increased a little my team is winning more games and im helping with points more often. Q. There is always more to the story than just what happens on the ice. How much is the coaching and training staff here helping with your mindset, as well as your physical abilities moving forward? A. Our coach and General Manager Frank has had a lot of insight on what kind of player he wishes me to be. He has a similar vision as me and its starting to translate into my game. After a few more seasons under his watch im sure ill be one of the best two way defencemen in the league. The off ice advice has really helped as well, they wanted me to stop focusing on just putting the puck in the net and worry about the little things that help us score as a team. At first I was being to focused on my own game and not buying into the system he has worked so hard to put in place. Now that I've fully committed to his wishes for me and the team we are playing a lot better.
  11. Could you add the meute logo? If so I'll use it as my sig!
  12. Ask the gods @Beketov @JardyB10 @Devise
  13. Your not on a team yet it's not too late.
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