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Everything posted by Kendrick

  1. Way before I even attempted to put my first text on a sig.
  2. Thats preseason for you
  3. The other leaders are active.
  4. More like, what is this: Top Goalie - Aidan Shaw Trophy: Blake Campbell (NYA)Campbell (NYA) - 9, Weinstein (STO) - 1
  5. Its like a quadruple rainbow....ohhh....my...godddd
  6. Player Name: Tyson Kohler VHL Team: Cologne Express Cash you have: $4 Million Purchase Name: Doubles Award Predictions Cost of Purchase: $2,500,000 Cash Left: $1,500,000
  7. The worst kind of horse, is a dead one. Put your mallets away.
  8. Kendrick


    Here's a tip: I started writing about my players back in the day but stopped cause it was like you said "talking to a brick wall". I started writing league related things like "Most Underrated VHL players today" or "Best Penalty Killers in the League". Go on TSN.ca and steal some of their topic themes.
  9. Yeah I think some got that by accident, gorlab's was one that actually happened because he asked for it.
  10. After hearing his latest album, that ain't that bad.
  11. He asked to be removed in all fairness.
  12. Make a new member title and call me VHLSC hahaha.
  13. As the guy who actually watched these guys week in and week out, no. He was closer to 7th in terms of activity and consistency. Keep in mind a guy who claims welfare each week of the VHLM season still holds more weight than a guy who updates once every 6 weeks with a Point Task. I'm not saying they aren't valuable, but that welfare claimer is being consistent and that is all we really want in this league.
  14. @gregreg Just leave me on the third line with CPU's all year, it works!
  15. I have some chemistry with my third line teammates haha
  16. Yeah stuff happened!
  17. Yeah rig it for us Draper, or I'll send Coach after you!
  18. So you just weight them in terms of reward + divide them: 1. 15 Uncapped TPE + 1 Extra Mag Lottery Number 2. Triples Weeks + 2 Extra Mag Lottery Numbers 3. $5,000,000 Player Store + 1 Extra Mag Lottery Number
  19. It's between us 3 right? (You're included I think)
  20. Chill Coach, some of us Updaters don't like updates piling up regardless of the season/off-season schedule. It makes for an increased workload come "Final Updates" time. Don't worry depreciation will be done and final updates will be put it after everyone has time to adjust their Bank TPE.
  21. All those 0 TPE ones are player threads, they have to sit there in case the person comes back.
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