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Everything posted by Kendrick

  1. Neato gang!
  2. "Hey worst case ontario we go to jail again, or we go through a process of denial and error"
  3. This thing has had everyone. Homers, reversed calls, injuries, weird at bats, dustups, a midget covered in sparkles.
  4. Camels and Stroman are throwing good games. Watch the movement on Stroman's fastball, crazy. Hamels has so much confidence in himself, its hard to connect on his pitches.
  5. Buck is very dry, but unbiased I find.
  6. Raise your hand if you have it on mute so Harold Reynolds doesn't give you grey hairs.
  7. Out for a rip boys! GG Riga
  8. So Markstrom's solid pre-season and shit regular season history > Ryan Miller's solid performances to start seasons. I get it now.
  9. Just like how Markstrom has shown promise in the NHL right?
  10. No I don't, you just like to complain about every damn facet of every players game. Miller was doing pretty good last year until splitting time and then getting injured. You were even rough on him when he came back from injury.
  11. Guy starts hot last year, splits some time with Lack, then gets injured and Sandro calls for his head.
  12. Killing them softly with his goals.
  13. Alex Daigle best all time
  14. Claimed
  15. Claimed
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