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Everything posted by Kendrick

  1. Why not just go a Garden Gnome?
  2. Dammit! Come on guys time to come back!
  3. Scouts say he is like a fine wine, better with age too.
  4. Ohhh close one. We need some goals!
  5. Time to regroup in Switzerland
  6. Yeah! This will be a tough series though
  7. What is that some witchcraft magic spell?
  8. Well it was short but Riga, you have a good promising squad. I wish you guys luck as I know going forward the contests will continue to be harder to earn points in. On to the next round!
  9. Herrrrrreee we go!
  10. Gotta start by eliminating the non-playoff teams first.
  11. I see it the other way, no chat and its faster
  12. So Istanbul still has a shot! I'll tell my GM
  13. Here we go gents!
  14. Yeah boys grabbing the first game!
  15. I'll assume you know little about what he is proposing and are more so commenting on rivalries in sports in general? Because the Rivalry settings in this sim are horrible.
  16. I said Nay, when it is all way set to the top it seems we don't really see the best team win. I'd rather it be decided on skill and not PIM's haha
  17. Which is what I'm trying to say, in our Admin CP we should set it to default, so that new people are informed of them. They can always go change it but we should make the default differently if we can. I did understand, just it was a vague response.
  18. The site doesn't or the individual member doesn't? I'm confused you didn't really answer that haha
  19. You were yeah, The four being the top 4 outside of 100 excluding Mikaelson since he is inactive.
  20. It's a weakness of many GM's. Devise never has draft picks so don't blame him.
  21. You mean only if they have it checked?
  22. Now the real question, if we tag someone is there a way it notifies their email or whatever? Would be sweet to tag all our inactives!
  23. I wouldn't give him the credit, I'd give the credit to putting the ball out wide on attack and then exploiting Boateng's lack of mobility. Neuer* had a blunder that cost us big.
  24. Yeah that was an effort x2. Never had a blunder
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