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Everything posted by d3vilsfire

  1. Socialism is different than marxism
  2. Prez =/= communism
  3. communism FTW
  4. Moscow confirms. Thanks for your contributions to the Moscow team during your tenure!
  5. Player Name: Konstantin Azhishchenkov VHL Team: Quebec City Meute Cash you have: $9,000,000 Purchase Name: Free Week Cost of Purchase: $3,000,000 Cash Left: $6,000,000
  6. Best use of a fan ive seen
  7. Player Name: Konstantin Azhishchenkov VHL Team: Quebec City Meute Cash you have: $5,000,000 Purchase Name: Free Week Cost of Purchase: $3,000,000 Cash Left: $2,000,000
  8. Im not sure if my 7m from birthday bash was included in that or if i spent it already :/
  9. Hes a free claim now right? If so claims
  10. Why do we have a Vasteras skin? It looks amazing!
  11. I like the idea.. Not sure about the money thing.. maybe TPE instead? or if you wanna do money, maybe think of how it could work with the VHLMers? I still like the idea none the less
  12. and that would have been amazing if i gotchu.. but fking Yukon fked it all up..
  13. Hey.. don't mess with the VHLM when u are a VHL GM
  14. WOAH! yesterday i thought it was you but wasn't sure!!! lets gooo!
  15. woah bro... you alright? wanna talk it over?
  16. Exactly what Mr. Victor said.. The only thing i see happening that maybe as drastic is an expansion or reduction of the VHL and/or VHLM.. I dont see a reason for a complete restart
  17. Captain: Samuelsson Assistant: Ziedins Assistant: Degtyaryov Samuelsson is the man in .. Hes active and dedicated so im happy to reward him this honorary title.. Wear the C well young Samuelsson
  18. claims Fondalear
  19. SHL
  20. I wanted you to want me and you fking traded me... asshole
  21. Sandusky Part 2
  22. wow this RG3 guy sounds like he should just give up on a career in hockey...
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