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Everything posted by Kesler

  1. this is some light work, wheres the harder opponents
  2. I got the wifey at the crib feeding the kids liquid goals
  3. I'm looking at some of those logos in your sig like "what are those."
  4. both my players did fuck all in this game, classic
  5. ez
  6. its light work playing these guys
  7. too bad cornerstone has no teammates, wonder why
  8. finally got a pair of fucking assists
  9. ez ya bish
  10. instand karma lmao
  11. ez
  12. Ugly render but a beauty of a sig. Jokes fuck u @STZ, all 3 layers were tragedies and no impact font? jesus what a rookie
  13. Still tryna sell knock-offs? reported for spam.
  14. five alive
  15. Nowhere in here does it say I was the sweet dish master, rip.
  16. QUE G still killing it, dudes been dominating the back-up scene since I remember
  17. ez
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