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Everything posted by Peace

  1. Sounds like it's time for a public test then! How hard would it be to sim an unofficial season over the course of two-ish weeks and collect feedback from the community and GMs?
  2. I would absolutely participate in any open tests the league would like to try. I know private testing has happened in the past, but sim an entire VHL-like season with all sixteen teams and every player in an open format and see how GMs like it over 1.1; players themselves won't be affected too much from the change as they don't have access to the features 1.5 brings, but through them a GM has more control of how the team sims itself which does affect those players. I think it be worth trying!
  3. So I'm assuming this is common knowledge at this point: it appears the sim we're using is (still) the 1.1 version of SimonT Hockey Simulator... and it's honestly a little underwhelming. I've noticed that us GMs have no real control over our strategies, ice time sliders or a few of the lines we actually thought were used. Ice time is dependent on where you're placed within the forward/defensive lines, 3on3 doesn't exist in 1.1 and the only strategy teams adhere to is already globally set. Forwards who play on the first and third get nearly 30 or more minutes on a team with nine forwards, yet they're dumped down to 20-23 minutes if they're on the 1/4 rotation, even if the ice-time slider is much higher for line one than any other line. Similar for defenders, and it's the same story on the powerplay and penalty kill. Strategies? They've got no effect, I've taken the last three seasons as a sample size, they've got absolutely zero perceivable changes beyond the default settings. From the manual itself: Disadvantage: New features since 2010 are not added in the code (Referee/Lineman, Line/Team strategies, Percentage of ice time per line does not apply, etc). Some stats are not count and will always show at 0 in the simulator A lot of new functionalities are not implemented (For example, 3 vs 3 overtime) I've been testing out the strategies on the STHS V3 client and sure enough... it doesn't seem like there is any honest change to the way Toronto is playing. 5CK-0DF-0OF didn't yield any more hits than another game where we were 0CK-5DF-0OF or 0CK-0DF-5OF. I even tested what 1-0-0, 0-1-0, 0-0-1 did and they all simmed normally. In fact I think we won those games back in 74! So I ask the community a question... I guess really this is addressed to the simmers and commissioners. When can we upgrade to 1.5 and add those features to our sim? I know it's a balancing act, so maybe it's time for a public test run. I think we've got enough teams now. We've certainly got the user base for it.
  4. Youre a preacher right? *Slowly slides machine gun across table*
  5. Gave this a listen! Yeah... sorry about my teams podcast quality, we had to record using Giarc instead of Greg (Craig just for BOOM) and it kept peaking our audio for a few different reasons. I had to really apply negative DB levels just to get it within comfortable listening qualities. As for the TOR stuff, I liked hearing different perspectives on it. Good podcast, and also... I am one of your listeners too!
  6. Please tell me you got your players name from where I think you got your players’ name... please?! ... and it’s from a particular 2004 reboot.
  7. Fuck yeah! Toronto derailing the Van Train is a highlight of this season now.
  8. Juice is a member of Toronto so by extension you're coming back to Toronto somehow.
  9. This means he came back but never said anything.
  10. Well well well... another week of PCs up for you all! 1. We recently made pair of trades that sent out John Merrick and Leo Strauss, what are your thoughts on those particular trades and do you think we got back fair value? 2. Toronto released a podcast! Have you listened to it yet? Any suggestions on how to improve it? 3. Since the trade Toronto is 2-2-2. Is that better than you expected, or do you believe we can get more out of this squad? 4. Do you feel like you can be yourself within our locker room? Dangerous question, I know! 5. What are your favorite things about Toronto this season? 6. Toronto management thrives on being transparent within the locker room. Do you have any suggestions on how to improve communication between myself and the LR? @NickSunderbruch @Callahan @Matmenzinger @Rayzor_7 @osens @ngine4 @DoktorFunk @fromtheinside @Juice @Smarch@ROOKIE745@hedgehog337
  11. Oof. Rough sim, Toronto.
  12. If I understood this right, that means I can only claim three? 1/3?
  13. https://soundcloud.com/wearetorlegion/we-are-legion-podcast-ep1 The first ever podcast of "WE ARE LEGION" has released! This episode features @Juice, @DoktorFunk, @fromtheinside and myself. We didn't record any time stamps, but we hope you all enjoy the podcast.
  14. Peace

    Games: 70-88

    Way to go, Toronto! 6 points out of a possible 8 since the trade.
  15. Peace

    Games: 51-69

    Way to go, Toronto! Who needs forwards?
  16. So I made two pretty huge trades yesterday, and I know some people are scratching their heads wondering why I dismantled the forward group of the Toronto Legion. I think that'll be revealed in the podcast that should be released next week, but I'll go into it briefly here just because I need a media spot to write about. I traded Leo Strauss to Seattle alongside a second round pick in S78 for an inactive player and Seattle's first and third round picks in the upcoming entry draft. I also traded John Merrick to Los Angeles in exchange for Lester Green and a S78 2nd round pick. Now I've had to deal with it in the VHLM, but this was the first time I can recall where I've had to deal with it in the VHL. I had two players who just couldn't be teammates together. It's nothing against them, or against who they are as individuals, they just don't mesh well and that's something I respect. I spoke with gregreg about the trade and I still hold firm to what I said. I want him to be comfortable on the forum and I felt like I couldn't give that to him in Toronto, that's about as much as I'll reveal about our private discussion. As for Steve, well... without revealing more private issues within what I hope is 'behind closed doors' it just wasn't working out for us. For those of you who are wondering... yes, he -- in not so direct words -- passively requested a trade from the Toronto Legion. But let's break down the trade. Toronto gave up: - John Merrick; 749 TPE, S73, C - Leo Strauss; 474 TPE, S74, C - S78 TOR 2 Toronto acquired: - Lester Green; 535 TPE, S74, D - Some inactive dude. - SEA S77 1 - SEA S77 3 - LAS S78 2 So let's eliminate the obvious values. Strike out the second round picks moving both ways. It's now Merrick and Strauss for Green, the inactive, a first and a third. Let's dump the inactive off that due to them being... valueless, really. Not even worth a 4th, it was a sheer 'we need to move cap to make this work' part of that deal. John Merrick and Leo Strauss for a first round pick, a third round pick and Lester Green. I think Toronto did okay here, obviously I could have gotten more value but every GM knew what was going on. Smarch (Lester Green) came into the LR and was immediately engaged, became a leader very quickly and the feeling of stress seemed to just melt away after he joined. We needed that, Toronto needed that. It was a breath of fresh air after the room had gotten stale, and I appreciate him taking that step up to boost the morale of everyone involved. Thank you, Smarch, seriously... thank you! In terms of value, I'd say we can strike off Greene for Strauss and the third round pick. Green has a fair amount more TPE, so the third compensates -- obviously to a lesser degree -- the rough value there. That leaves Merrick for a first round pick, which is where I 'could have gotten more' with these series of trades, but I'm honestly okay with that due to the circumstances regarding the trade. Now I'm interested to see how other people break the trades down. Toronto now has a teeming blue line and a deplete forward group, where as prior to drafting Jolly Green Giant, Scotty Kaberle and Kristof Welch... we had a teeming forward group and a deplete blue line! Toronto is either side of the extremes. Seems familiar.
  17. Peace

    TOR/SEA; S76

    I really do appreciate you spending some of your career in Toronto, @gregreg. You'll always be the one true Captain of S76! Sadly I couldn't make the locker room work with the... histories some of us have with one another. Good luck in Seattle!
  18. Peace

    Games: 14-32

    1-0-1 this sim! We'll absolutely take it. haha
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