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Everything posted by Jamie

  1. We were supposed to play World to begin with. They didn't take me to the cleaners.. I got 4 points. Rest of my team though..
  2. Player Name: Brennan McQueen VHL Team: Riga Reign Cash you have: $7,000,000 Purchase Name: Triple Award Predictions Cost of Purchase: $5,000,000 Cash Left: $2,000,000
  3. What the fuck do you think you have power or something
  4. On the ballot a bunch, couldn't get it done plug
  5. gorlab is my bitch, get in line
  6. Think you posted in the wrong Quebec trade thread
  7. I blame you for not updating enough
  8. Well it's about time I release my sexual, I mean VHL frustration
  9. Fuck yeah. Olsen you beauty. GROUP HUG IN THE SHOWER TONIGHT
  10. Probably the same reason kids think it's cool to post that they are high online all the time. But seriously RGIII has repped Riga harder than anyone and no votes. What a joke
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