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Everything posted by jack

  1. Effort: 2/2 - Lots of different techniques used here, nice work! Look: 2.5/3 - The render looks great, and the text is quite good too. Main thing is stock work/blending. The background and the render don't seem to connect in a pleasing way for this kind of sig. Try using some stocks that are mostly black with some light elements and setting them on screen, and positioning them to connect the background and the render. Creativity: 1/1 - Keep it up. Total: 5.5/6
  2. Effort: 2/2 - For sure. Look: 3/3 - Sick work. Seriously nice piece. Creativity: 1/1 - Beauty. Total: 6/6 Final: 6/6
  3. Effort: 2/2 - Yeah you got it. Look: 2.75/3 - Colouring and contrast is great. Text is nice looking but could have used a bit more blending, it's a bit sharp. Creativity: 1/1 - Lots of different elements here, cool piece. Total: 5.75/6
  4. Effort: 2/2 - Nice work with the colour change on the jersey. Look: 2.5/3 - Overall it looks nice. I like the work around the render, and the overall tone of the piece. Text is the biggest drawback. I don't know if you've seen it or not but this thread might offer some inspiration for different text styles: http://www.vhlforum.com/index.php?/topic/2501-jacks-guide-to-making-not-shitty-sigs/ Creativity: 1/1 - Yep. Total: 5.5/6
  5. Effort: 2/2 - Stock work, lighting, text work. Everything seems to be in order Look: 2.5/3 - Pros: I like the render work, looks clear and has nice contrast. I also like most of the stock work and colouring. Cons: The lighting is a bit weird over the render. Also, the text is decent, but maybe should have been pulled in a bit closer to the render. Creativity: 1/1 - Absolutely! Good overall work and good progress. Total: 5.5/6
  6. Effort: 2/2 - Absolutely. Great text work, stock work etc. Look: 3/3 - Really nice overall look to this. Lovin' the text and top and bottom border especially. Could have used a bit more contrast I think but it doesn't hurt it too much. Creativity: 1/1 - Absolutely. Total: 6/6 Final: 6/6
  7. love it. your text makes me jealous
  8. Anyone try out Besieged yet? Still in Alpha but looks really fun. Similar in genre to Kerbal Space Program.
  9. Effort: 2/2 - Yep it's all there. Look: 2.75/3 - Yeah a different font would have helped here, but the font used isn't bad at all. Nice blending and stock work. Maybe try adding a Black to White Gradient Map on Soft Light to give it some more contrast, though. Creativity: 1/1 - Nice flow and composition. Total: 5.75/6 Final: 6/6
  10. Effort: 2/2 - I think enough was done here. I like seeing you try new things and new styles. Keep it up. Look: 2.5/3 - I like it overall, it's nice on the eye. As IR mentioned, I'd avoid having the logos in the sig, doesn't usually add too much to the sig, and usually takes away. Text is pretty cool, but try to bring it in a bit closer to the render. Creativity: 1/1 - Sure, keep trying new stuff! Total: 5.5/6 Final: 5/6
  11. jack

    Head Grader

    I've been a grader here since the start of this version of the VHL, and for a while before that. I always make sure to grade thoroughly to help whoever I'm grading. I can grade podcasts, written pieces as well as graphics, and would always make sure no PT is left behind. I'm organized and always browsing the VHL. I'd love a chance at an opportunity like this.
  12. I worked as a dish bitch one summer at a restaurant. Honestly wasn't bad, nice people great boss, free meals every shift. I had a friend who had experience as a line cook, and my restaurant was looking to hire one. I put in a good word for him and he got the job there. Not two weeks later, I find out during a shift (with him) that he was quitting. I was mad. In fact, I've barely spoken to the guy since this happened. But I still had work to do, which included interacting with him for the rest of the night. I just had to pretend I didn't care and continue. The job is the important part. Get your shit done, do it well. I could have gotten angry at him, and caused a scene, and made it awkward for everyone, but I just bit the bullet and moved on. I guess that isn't really that related, but I hope it offers some perspective. I don't know your situation, but I hope it gets better. As for direct advice? Try not to retaliate with insults. Staying silent probably won't work, but offering a sarcastic "Nice one..." could potentially lead to them getting bored.
  13. I'm really likin' this Ryan-Jeltz chemistry
  14. Effort: 2/2 - Enough was done here! Look: 2.25/3 - You've done work in all the necessary areas, but some work does need to be done. For text, try to stick to simple fonts...Arial, Helvetica, Times New Roman etc. Use different techniques on top to make them look cool. For stocks, try to stick to a colour theme that suits your render, or use Adjustment Layers to change the whole colour scheme. Finally, make sure your render looks sharp and in focus. Using the sharpen filter once should solve this. Creativity: 1/1 - Good stock work flow. Total: 5.25/6
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