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Everything posted by Banackock

  1. With STHS, those who heavily outshoot lose. Studies prove it!
  2. Press conference question for @Motzaburger ”If Beaviss doesn’t do back up games, will you position change again from F to D to G to make it happen and save the day?”
  3. What?? Waiting on @Bushito?? Never!!
  4. Thanks, Rebeketov!
  5. Commie Cup... TOMORROW. It’s lit. ?

  6. Good stuff. I like this style. Cool render!
  7. S70 Commissioners Cup Hello everyone. Procrastinating in the world we have today is something that can easily be done. It's a crazy one out there and is about to be a crazy one in here. The Commie Cup is about to get get underway and it's likely going to be another good one! I don't know the series/tournament statistics off the top of my head (procrastinating, days off, the world is sick etc) but I have the feeling Team Bana may be in the lead only so slightly. If not, then shit. GG DA. With that being said... LETS BATTLE! Commissioner Cup Draft AND Roster: HERE! Games will be posted later in this section: HERE! Apologies to any spelling mistakes + snubbing or anything else that may have caused some deep emotions. Big... shout out to @Josh for once again simming the tournament. The spirit was really there to tag everyone but there'd be no magical surprise in that then, hey? Hope everyone who was named enjoys the fun little battle between commissioners. Thanks, @VHLM Commissioner
  8. Swapped to Bernard G
  9. Moscow G @Zyrok
  10. S70 Commissioners' Cup Game 1: HERE! Game 2: HERE! Game 3: HERE! Always a fun little tournament to put on display for the rest of the league with a fun little idea behind it. If anyone ever has ideas/suggestions on how they feel like we could make the Commissioner Cup bigger, better and more enjoyable for our amazing members, please don't hesitate to reach out to myself or @diamond_ace. I do have a little idea that just popped into my head and may run it by a few but that's for another post. Congrats to everyone involved in this tournament. We hope you get some form of excitement and enjoyment out of these games - I know drafting against DA season after season has definitely been fun. With that being said, a final shout out to my commie better half, DA, on helping make this happen, AND to our wonderful, amazing admin/simmer @Josh who got the index, teams and stuff together real quick to pull off the tournament. Finally, this concludes my S70 VHLM Season. Thank you to absolutely everyone involved in the VHLM - players, GM's, everyone who logs on throughout their spare time to make the league as great and strong as it is. We appreciate you and your time and efforts spent towards the league. THANKS, @VHLM Commissioner
  11. S70 ALL-VHLM TEAMS One final congrats to everyone on the good season. "figured" we'd save this until later in the off-season to make one final firework go off. By that, I mean I procrastinated and Bana sleepy and don't want to go back to work tomorrow. Anyway, enjoy. CONGRATS! VHLM! All-VHLM First Team - May Claim 2 Uncapped TPE C - Kyl Oferson W - Roadkill Steve W - Thomas Landry II D - Roque Davis D - Hugh Jass G - Jaxx Hextall All-VHLM Second Team - May Claim 1 Uncapped TPE C - Ola Vikingstad W - Uhtred W - Gabriel Gutzwiler D - Kyle Andersen D - Griff Manzer G - Stone Wolski Thank you, @VHLM Commissioner
  12. Ambrose Stark @DMaximus
  14. S E A T T L E B E A R S S 7 1 C A P T A I N S Congrats to these deserving members. Over the seasons, we've been on quite the ride together and I couldn't think of a better, more trusted few in Seattle to lead the team on the ice, in the LR and on the forums. We always have an exceptional Locker Room experience and currently, once again, have an amazing team in front of us with a healthy mix of top end talent and youth. Happy to have you 3 leading the charge. Lets go Bears! A S S I S T A N T # 1 B E R O C K A S U N D Q V I S T - @Berocka A S S I S T A N T # 2 S C O T T G R E E N E @DoktorFunk C A P T A I N R A Y Z F U N K @Rayzor_7 GO BEARS GO!
  15. Second! Edited 2 hours ago by Devise? Everyone slacking!
  16. Monday blues got you down? Maybe ALL-VHLM TEAMS get ya up? Later today? hmm.

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