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Everything posted by Banackock

  1. Riga would be smart to grab Sterling in my eyes. The one, 100% solid goalie who is likely to lead a HoF and very dominant career. The backbone to a team and obviously going to be an extremely loyal guy.
  2. Congrats everyone!!
  3. Your assumption is correct.
  4. Gabriel McAllister @Tagger
  5. @Beaviss had ad a few too many at a BBQ but good job. Woo team BANA
  6. Unique idea. Not bad - hope it works out. Wish I wasn't so busy at work and hard more energy
  7. Yes dad
  8. Okay man
  9. "Helsinki is rebuilding". Yeah. Whatever. I'm happy the guys who gave it their all for me went to good places. They were good to me, I wish to return it. Is it shit it's so cheap? Sure - but at the end of the day it was nothing or at least something. Also, Higgins was 100x better than the other teams deal. All these players are retiring. The market is absolute shit. Am I just gonna let them collect dust on Seattle and then retire and get absolutely nothing? No. Yes, got a dicking. It's a shame the market is how it is but it is what it is. Excited for the draft. 3-4 good picks out of it for sure + a GM player and a lotto pick next season!
  10. Geeze, Player 2 would be a fricken cake walk now. 5 TPE or welfare, practice facility, a VHL.com and a quick press conference and boom. All but in 5-10 minutes and you get 9-10 TPE.
  11. Woooo @Higgins let's get HSK one more cup!!
  12. Grateful for @TheLastOlympian07 staying loyal. Furthering, very happy @Kendrick came on board, gave us a shot and gave it his all. Was very happy to have both here and they gave the Bears a shot @Green you get to go to another solid team. Despite you getting upset, understandably due to real life stress and bumps, you're a great dude - we worked well together and I'm here to lend an ear when needed even if you're not a Bear! May be lopsided but hey - these guys (aside from kendrick pretty much) stuck by me for years and years. They give it their all, bullshitted in the LR and are all amazing members. Time to send them off for hopefully one more year of success and thank them for their amazing, loyal service. Excited to add another pick in this draft. Let's fuck up those Mock Drafts! ACCEPT
  13. Still dislike it big time. So do GM's get their GM player + Normal player + this player? Talk about burn out. Same thing applies with the only player two. Wasn't mandatory but someone burned people out ! I think this is largely not needed, serves little.to no benefit and could potentially cause greater harm than greater good.
  14. A shit storm is coming tonight, boys.. the shit winds are brewing #Titsea

  15. @pennypenny @MexicanCow?
  16. Everyone thinks Thompson is going 1st in Mock Draft PT? Hmm... #DestructionOfTPE

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. scoop


      Roger Sterling tho

    3. Banackock


      I mean, Cast is high on my list too. The big 3 are all pretty equal in my eyes and got me thinking. :D 

    4. Beketov


      I think I'm the only person so far who DIDN'T predict Thompson to Seattle. Maybe I just have little faith in myself.

  17. Seattle is your home. Come home, son.
  18. @BluObieZ win money on Vegas? Said all season their shit. Bunch of 20 point a season 3rd line guys who had one season of Cinderella magic and magically got

    40-70 pts. League needed to rig their expansion team as most are garbage lol. 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. DollarAndADream
    3. Quik


      To keep pissing people off

    4. Quik


      Also, Robbie's right, GMs did this shit to themselves. Basically handed Vegas all their top players. Florida? Marshmellow and Smith to protect Bjugstad? Columbus? Karlsson + 2nd + 9 spots in the 1st round to take Clarkson and protect Johnson? Minnesota? Tuch and Haula to protect Brodin? Isles? 1st and 2nd to take Grabo's contract? Pittsburgh? 2nd to take the obvious choice?


      Any money that Vegas ate on contracts was more than made up for with this season, and they got 5 top 9 forwards just from teams looking to "protect" certain players.


      If anything, Vegas' success has fucked Seattle next summer, when teams are just going to accept that they'll lose one decent player vs. multiple valuable assets.

  19. Created activity. @Arthur good job man.
  20. Good work. @Beaviss
  21. Were you the one who was super active and running the magazine etc when Robbie brought out the magazine and was challenging him? You both failed.
  22. Ty
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