I’ve been taking the heat for 44 seasons. Sometimes it leaves me with a little sun tan and hurt too but the amazing experiences I have with other members and my passion for the role acts as my shield. I understand what you’re preaching. It sucks sometimes. “My tactics are too harsh”, “I’m too cutthroat” and not loyal to my players (which 99.9% would say is bull shit) but lots are black and white and see what’s on the surface. They don’t see the efforts we do behind the scenes. How HARD it is sometimes trading certain players. Most players. Admittedly, I’ve teared up a few times moving some amazing players and people. BUT, I look out for the individuals AND the whole team. This isn’t the NHL where you have to pack your shit, move your kids to new schools etc. we get a new career every 9 seasons max. I’ve made more amazing relationships on here that I can’t even put a number to. HOWEVER, it’s also a “business” and we want to run a successful team. Some Managers wanna have fun and use that as their main tactic. I want to have fun and win because winning makes having fun more fun. Sometimes I deserve the smoke, like most do, sometimes I don’t. However, everyone is allowed to have an opinion and rate/judge our moves and performance/rosters etc. It’s all part of it in every and anything like this (including real sports).
Warsaw will turn around this season. I was really surprised to see the start tbh. You’ll make playoffs.