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Posts posted by FBR

  1. R2k59j8.jpg




    I'm FBR, the assistant general manager for the defending Founder's Cup champions, Minnesota Storm. We would like to offer you a 1.5M/1yr (automatic contract in the VHLM) for you to join our defensive squad this season. Our team is in a little bit of a reset this season, but we believe that we can still make the playoffs with the right free agent signings and we believe that you could be one of them. Our defense is a bit weak at the moment, so you will be getting a considerable amount of minutes here in Minnesota. If you decide to sign here, the GM, @Eudaldkp, will send you the contract when he comes online. You just have to quote the offer you accept and write "I accept".

    Thank you,
    Matthew Kai/FBR

  2. @HenrikZoiderberg Well, depending on your progression. You will be a part of the VHL AND VHLM drafts next off-season. If you stay under 200TPE before the limit, next off-season, you will take part in the VHLM Dispersal draft where you will be drafted by one of us instead of just signing with us as a UFA (you just missed this off-season's VHLM draft by a couple days). If you pass that 200TPE limit, you will only be drafted to the VHL and make the jump immediately.

    Note: It is/can be wiser to stay a second year in the VHLM to get better TPE-earning opportunities, like the Achievement Tracker. All of this will be further explained by your future (A)GM after you sign.

  3. Hs5eQ0U.jpg

    Hey @HenrikZoiderberg

    I am FBR, the assistant general manager to the Minnesota Storm in the VHLM.We would like to offer you a contrat to play with us this season in Minnesota before heading into next year's VHLM Dispersal draft. Before anything, that name is just...amazing. Alright, so, we are the reigning Founder's Cup champions, but after our players left for the VHL, we are in the middle of a quik reset. We are in need of left wingers and we believe that you could really help us. You get a significant amount of playtime. All VHLM contracts are 1,500,000 for 1 year, so this is all we can give you.

    Matthew Kai

  4. 1-If you got stuck in the elevator and was forced to listen to only one song, which would it be?

    I'd probably block it out or endd up signing to it without getting annoyed, so it can be anything, I won't mind.

    2-What was your worst job?

    My last one, working in a grocery store, doing online orders. Job was fine, bosses weren't.

    3-What is the best advice anyone has ever given you?

    Just let things happen as they're meant to. Even if I don't listen to that advice, because I'm a dumbass.

    4-If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

    Malmo, baby. Or Montreal.

    5-How do you treat people who annoy you for no reason?
    I probably just ghost them. I ghost most people, anyway.

    6-What does your name mean?
    The english version of my shoot first name and the name of a K-Pop idol, the last name of a WWE wrestler and the name I thought about giving to my cat.

  5. (A2) Boston Bruins vs. (WC2) Columbus Blue Jackets
    Winner: Boston
    # of Games: 6

    (M2) New York Islanders vs.(WC1) Carolina Hurricanes
    Winner:  Carolina
    # of Games:  7


    (C3) St. Louis Blues vs. (WC1) Dallas Stars
    Winner: Dallas
    # of Games:  7

    (P2) San Jose Sharks vs. (WC2) Colorado Avalanche
    Winner: Colorado
    # of Games: 6

  6. I will throw my name in. I haven't been the most active since life has decided to take a dump on my face, but I'm slowly getting back into it, I got a couple graphics on the way, I'm slowly starting my Bio. Before I became inactive, I feel like I did a great job in Minnesota, especially in the draft where I had to go through most of it on the fly. We've assembled a championship contender in Minny, though I've had no say in the Codrick Past move, I feel like I played a big part in every other move.

    I feel like I had one of these jobs easy if I didn't quit for a few weeks, but I feel like I'm still fit for the job. I've got experience with STHS, I've been a part of leagues using it and I've set up our lines a few times in Oslo/Minny.

    I may not be the most vocal, I may not post a lot on the forum, but I am on Discord pretty much 24/7, so it'll be easy for GMs/Commish to reach me at all times.

  7. User Name:  FBR
    Cup Winner: Winnipeg Jets




    (A1) Tampa Bay Lightning vs. (WC2) Columbus Blue Jackets
    Winner: Lightning
    # of Games: 4

    (A2) Boston Bruins vs. (A3) Toronto Maple Leafs
    Winner: Bruins
    # of Games: 5

    (M1) Washington Capitals vs. (WC1) Carolina Hurricanes
    Winner: Hurricanes
    # of Games: 7

    (M2) New York Islanders vs. (M3) Pittsburgh Penguins
    Winner: Penguins
    # of Games: 6


    (C1) Nashville Predators vs. (WC1) Dallas Stars
    Winner: Stars
    # of Games: 6

    (C2) Winnipeg Jets vs. (C3) St. Louis Blues
    Winner: Jets
    # of Games: 7

    (P1) Calgary Flames vs. (WC2) Colorado Avalanche
    Winner: Flames
    # of Games: 6

    (P2) San Jose Sharks vs. (P3) Vegas Golden Knights
    Winner: Golden Knights
    # of Games: 5

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