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Posts posted by Girts

  1. 1 hour ago, scoop said:


    1. Do you think any teams in the VHL should relocate or rebrand? If so, which team(s)?


    2. What was the biggest surprise in any of the VHLM/VHLE/VHL playoffs?


    3. Who do you think is going first overall in the VHL draft?


    1. I don't think any teams should relocate or rebrand, but from looking around at branding perhaps Los Angles Stars could use some updating. That said I like their branding and really have no basis for saying what I said lol. 


    2. I think some people were surprised that Seattle didn't hang on to win the cup given their experience but certainly was a good series.


    3. I have no idea who's in the draft so I will be lame and say whoever is a recreate with the most tpe. 




    1. If you could play for any other VHL team who would it be? 

    2. Who will win the respective cups in the VHL/VHLE/VHLME next season? 

    3. Mustard or Mayo? 

  2. On 5/27/2023 at 4:36 PM, Psanchez55 said:


    - In your opinion, who are the top 3 VHL players of all time (or for newer ppl like myself, in your experience)?

    - What makes your player stand out from the rest?

    - If you could brand an expansion franchise, what would your branding be?

    1. I don't really know the history of the league that well, but from a quick look into record books, I'll go with Scotty Campbell, Benjamin Glover and Lord Karnage. 


    2. I am a big Latvian power forward goal scorer, 6'6" and drive the net with one goal in mind, scoring. 


    3. I'd probably go with Banff Grizzlies. 






    1. How did your player do this past season?

    2. Biggest surprise from these NHL playoffs? 

    3. Who's the best linemate you ever played with in your VHL career?

  3. I've had the honor of playing my entire career so far with two Warsaw Predators legends in Brendan Marner and Zach Kisslinger II. Both of these greats laced up their skates for the final time in the last regular season game of Season 88. They deserved to have one more playoff run but it was not meant to be, yet they went out with incredible seasons and we honor them today. Brendan Marner posted 106 points, 45 goals and 61 assists for his 4th consecutive 100+ point season to end his career, absolutely incredible. The guy is an MVP candidate every year it seems and has been a huge leader in Warsaw. For his career as a Predator he has a gigantic 685 points in 504 games including a Victory Cup in S85 along with multiple other awards. It's been an absolute pleasure being his linemate these past few seasons and I will never forget it. Zach Kissingler II put up another huge season this year for the Predators posting 78 points, 36 goals and 42 assists to close out an awesome career of consistent high scoring dominance. Kisslinger has a ridiculous total of 736 points in 576 games, which to be honest really blows me away. Just a superstar performance from start to finish. He also was part of the S85 Victory Cup team and is an absolute legend. Truly and honor to play with both these guys and I will always remember them. Much respect to my longtime teammates on incredible careers! @MetalToday @Kisslinger

  4. 6 hours ago, Otaznik said:

    1. Do you think Ovechkin can score more goals in his career than Gretzky? If yes, in how many seasons? 
    2. Who was your favorite player in your childhood? (can be hockey, basketball, soccer, football)
    3. What is your dream country to visit, and why?

    1. Yes I think he can and he will, but it will take just over 3 seasons to complete. 


    2. I loved Tie Domi as a kid, was a big fan of tough guys in hockey which is now kind of a lost art. 


    3. Would love to visit Iceland, just seems really cool there and unique landscape. 



    1. Who wins the cup in the NHL? 

    2. Who will win the conn smythe on the above team? 

    3. What's your favorite TWO pizza toppings in combination? 

  5. 11 minutes ago, Garsh said:



    1. The Bruins had an incredible season and are out of the playoffs early.  Are they the Moscow of the NHL?

    2. Sometimes you hear stories about celebrities having silly demands for stuff waiting for them when they are performing somewhere.  For example Van Halen requested M&Ms but no brown M&Ms.  What would your players ridiculous/silly request be?

    3. If your player could have a custom goal horn sound for when they scored, what would it be?


    1. As a Warsaw player anytime Moscow loses it brings me joy, so I will say yes they are but I think Boston was better than any Moscow team.  


    2. My players ridiculous request would be to eat reese's peanut butter cups on the bench between shifts


    3. My goal horn sound would be an elephant trumpeting 





    1. What are your thoughts on the Leafs winning a playoff series? 


    2. What are your predictions for round two of NHL playoffs?


    3. When sitting, do you prefer a Couch or Recliner? 

  6. 8 hours ago, AJW said:

    @Girts This is how you made me feel as my first goated waiver player in Las Vegas 🤩

    Haha thanks that's awesome! I loved that you picked me up and Vegas was such a great place to play, I really loved that season. You guys helped me so much!!


    Also best of luck to this new guy, nice gfx! 

  7. Warsaw Predators veteran Sniper Girts Galvin is off to a hot start this season with 4 goals and 6 points through 6 games to lead the team in scoring. Following up back to back top 5 finishes in VHL points and a goal scoring title he will be leaned on heavily this season to provide offense. Last season's MVP Brendan Marner and Zack Kissingler will also be looked to lead the way on offense along with Brian Payne and Biggie Cheese making major contributions from the blue line. Johnny Xavier is also in line for a bigger role this season on the wing. Warsaw as a team is off to a mediocre start so far going 2-3-1 so far with only 11 goals scored and 15 allowed. Management is working to find the right system with some new faces in the line-up this season. We don't expect it will take too long for Warsaw to start reeling off the wins. Galvins and Marner should lead the way again. The dynamic duo who have set the league on fire together the past two seasons combining for over 400 points between them are currently on different lines to start this season, but we'll see how long that lasts.. a few more losses and Marner/Galvins will no doubt be reunited. 

  8. 7 hours ago, UnknownMinion said:


    1.NHL Playoffs start on the 17th, who wins the cup, and whats the final match up?
    2.Who is the most under rated VHL team going into the season.

    3. Who is the Best Full time rookie this season!

    1. The easy choice here is Boston wins and it's Boston vs Colorado in the finals, but I think Boston's luck runs out in the east finals because of goaltending and NY Rangers make the finals vs Edmonton. NY wins the cup. 


    2. I'd probably say Helsinki, they are currently in 1st in the European conference and I didn't think they'd make the playoffs, but what do I know lol. 


    3. I don't know who the rookies are so I will say if there's a rookie on your team then they are the best! 



    1. Who wins the Toronto vs Tampa series and how many games? 

    2. When it's all said and done will McDavid be considered the 2nd best player behind Greztky? or 3rd behind Mario? 

    3. How is your team and player doing so far this season? 

  9. Season 86 goal scoring champion and most improved player award winner Girts Galvins followed up his 54 goal 109 point season with another great year in S87. For the 2nd straight year Girts finished top 4 in point scoring in the VHL, tallying 99 points this season, 41 goals and 58 assists on the year. Another stellar campaign for the Latvian Sniper who's become one of the best players in league producing back to back huge seasons for the Warsaw Predators. Galvins alongside linemate and S87 MVP Brendan Marner combined for 210 points and 88 goals on the year. Despite the two superstars performance Warsaw came up short in the post-season, but Moscow didn't win the cup so overall it's considered a successful year for the Predators. Galvins was among the top 8 in goal scoring this season with 41 as goals were down a bit this year, only one player broke the 50 goal mark compared to 7 last season. Girts has tallied 95 goals over the last 2 VHL seasons and will look to continue to put the puck in the net at a high rate once again in Season 88. The Predators will be returning with Galvins, Marner, Payne, Cheese, Kissingler and company to take another run at the cup. 

  10. 8 hours ago, Otis Boudreaux Jr said:

    So for my three questions:
    1. What is one sport you wish you could enjoy, but just cant seem to get into it?
    2. If you could live anywhere else besides where you do right now, where would it be and why?
    3. Obviously you are in the VHL, but how many sim leagues are you in? What do you get out of them?

    1. I enjoy most sports but one that people seem to be into that I just can't get into is soccer. 


    2. I would live in BC, probably up north or maybe Vancouver Island.


    3. Just have time for one right now, I enjoy following my player and teams stats and the occasional interaction with teammates has been fun also. I get enjoyment out of those aspects. 






    1. Is your player still playing in the playoffs, if so how are you doing and if not how was your season's performance? 


    2. In the NHL the western conference seems wide open, who's your 2 picks to make the western conference finals? 


    3. What are your 3 favorite meals? 

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