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Everything posted by Matt_O

  1. 109 Malmo Nighthawks @ Vancouver Wolves 110 Toronto Legion @ Prague Phantoms 112 Helsinki Titans @ HC Davos Dynamo 113 Riga Reign @ Moscow Menace
  2. 1. Of course, we have arguably the best roster and we can only get better, since our goalies TPE is lower than most top teams, so we can make up ground even though we are already one of the best teams, if that makes sense. 2. Defense should have played better, especially myself. Zod prides himself on defense, so I was disappointed. 3. How could you not be? 8-2, Zod is playing well, everythings going good. 4. Of course, as I said before. We are the best in the league! 5. I will of course, the General cares for his teammates before himself. 6. He is a leader much like General Zod. I am very proud.
  3. Player: General Zod Attributes: Defense: (50 to 75)- 30 Skating: (50 to 70)- 20 Passing: (50 to 65)- 15 Checking: (50 to 55)- 5 Puck Handling (50 to 60)- 10
  4. General Zod, before today's games, was fine with his start to the season. He wasn't thrilled, but it was a good start. He wishes he had more blocked shots and hits, but for now he's okay with his totals. His point totals are looking nice despite being a defensive defenseman. He has 11 points in 10 games, but the General's focus isn't on offense. He is disappointed in his lack of defensive stats, but is accepting them because they aren't terrible. However, they aren't good enough to be top 10 in any category, but he hopes he can get there one day. He asks the questions, when did scoring in the VHLM become so insane? It was never like this when Zod was simply a fan of the game. Zod's hopes of being the top defenseman in the league was unlikely at the beginning of the year, but his chances at the award have most likely been washed away. While he is disappointed, he acknowledges that individual awards mean nothing. "It's just the minor leagues, awards don't mean anything. Unless that award is the Founders Cup, I could care less." Zod's team first attitude is what helped him land the A for the Las Vegas Aces, as they are 8-2 to start the year. 214 words
  5. D- Jeff Downey F- Henrik Zoiderberg @Motzaburger
  6. 1. Very good, our defense is solid, our offense is elite, we didn't get a goalie though until free agency, but we will be fine. 2. For myself? Hoping to get a ton of hits and win best defenseman of course. And score many points as well. 3. Win the cup of course! 4. The General is a natural leader, and I agree with all your choices. 5. Us of course, the only team that can compete with us is Yukon and Minnesota I think. 6. San Diego, because they have the best goalie I think, I haven't checked other teams but I'm pretty sure he's the best goalie.
  7. G- Raymond Bernard F- Acyd Burn @Motzaburger
  8. No I can't look through there, I don't want answers, I just want to believe in my head that he's cheating
  9. As soon as I post this I realize I forgot about finals fantasy zone, which can give up to 10 uncapped if you get everything right (extremely extremely unlikely, probably has never happened before). I also forgot about predictions, which I had in my head in the beginning of writing this but promptly forgot about it as I finished up. This could have given about 20 TPE extra at most, but that's unlikely, it's probably closer to 10.
  10. I have wondered this ever since I joined this site, and it will never make sense to me. With my previous player Matthew Materazo, I would cap out every week, and take advantage of practically every uncapped TPE opportunity that was available. I was an S64 player, but I joined super late, so you can lump me in with the deadline recreates of S65. Hunter Hearst Helmsley, who recreated at the S65 deadline in order to be an S66 player. I had an entire season worth of TPE on him, yet by the time S68 rolls around, not only has he passed me, but he is way way wayyyyy ahead of me. I don't remember the exact number, but I believe it was at least 100 tpe more than what I had. Keep in mind I cap out every week, and take advantage of almost all uncapped opportunities. How did HHH gain so much more TPE than me in such a short amount of time? I wonder this myself, but I have some possible ideas that may have led to this. HHH's first update came during the week of January 27th, and I had 178 TPE by then. I'm also assuming that by the time S68 started, HHH had exactly 100 more TPE than me, whether that's true or not. If anything, he had a larger gap than that, but I'm using 100 for simplicity. So, HHH starts with 30 TPE, and needs to gain 248 more TPE than me in two and a half seasons. Lets look at every single way he could have gained TPE on me. Keep in mind that all my calculations and numbers I used are basically estimated, so the final amount will not be entirely accurate, but hopefully pretty close. 1) Fantasy Zone+Lottery Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I believe @Beaviss was one of those few lucky people that would always somehow win the lottery, which gave him a lot of extra uncapped TPE. He also had fantasy zone to help him, with pick em and guess the score throwing some extra TPE his way. But how much TPE can someone actually win from that? Generally there is six weeks on fantasy zone. For his first season, he only had two weeks because he created at the deadline. Lets assume he wins every fantasy zone. For his years in the VHLM, he can also do the VHL fantasy zone, so lets assume he wins all of those as well. That's 10 uncapped per week for eight weeks (S65 deadline, all of S66), and then 5 uncapped per week for six weeks (S67 VHL fantasy zone only) That is 110 TPE right there that he could have gained on me from fantasy zone. Keep in mind that this is assuming he gets everything right every week, and I get everything wrong. He also has the lottery to win. He did win the lottery alot, and lets say he wins 3 uncapped every week, and then the monthly bonus of +10 every month. This is 19 uncapped every month. S68 started in September, and the new lottery system that caused Beaviss to win all the time was implemented on February 24th. So thats only +3 for that month, but +19 for every month until September, when S68 ended, and also when that lottery system came to an end. So, that is six months with an extra 19 TPE per month, plus there extra from February. Thats 117 TPE, which brings the total possible extra TPE to 227. He's getting close to the magic number of 248. 2) Donations Donations require very little assumptions, and while the other two categories of the lottery and Fantasy Zone gave us an extra 227 TPE that Beaviss could have gained, this is using really really heavy assumptions. This is assuming he got everything right, every week, and won the lottery every single week, and I didn't win a single thing. While me not winning may have been the case, there is simply no way Beaviss won every single week, it is impossible. Now, lets look at Donations. He only could have done three donations before S68, and I'm assuming he donated the full twenty dollars. Please forgive me for not knowing exactly how donations work. By donating twenty dollars, you can earn 5 uncapped TPE and a doubles week (there is more, but it's either player cash or capped TPE). That's 11 TPE right there per season. You also can get two doubles week since you can double one of the prizes I'm pretty sure, so that brings the total to 17 TPE per season. That's three season, and 51 TPE. This 51 TPE he definitely gained on me, with no assumptions whatsoever, because he does donations I'm pretty sure and I do not. This brings the total to 278 extra TPE, which surpasses the 248 TPE threshold we set. Conclusion While my findings concluded that yes, it is possible beaviss could have surpassed me in TPE by 100 by the time S68 rolled around, it just seems very unlikely. Yes, he passed the mark of 248 by thirty. But look at what we had to do to get there. We had to assume he participated in every fantasy zone that was offered, but that's a safe assumption. But then, we had to assume that he won every single week. This is not a safe assumption, because we know for a fact it did not happen. Not just did he have to get some of it correct, for example, he only gets the pick em. He had to get both guess the score AND pick em. Every week. For fourteen straight weeks. We also have the lottery, which we assumed he would win every week and also the monthly drawings. These are pretty big assumptions as well, but not as big because he did win the lottery a lot. Still, he did not win every week. This is also assuming I do not win anything. I never get fantasy zone correct, and I never win the lottery. Now, these are pretty reasonable because I only won the lottery once, and fantasy zone I win occasionally but not too often. But even then, the amount of jumping around and assumptions we have to make in order to make the numbers work is way too much. Realistically, about 150 TPE could have possibly been gained on me, and that might not even be very realistic, that still is probably a bit much. How did he gain so much on me? The world will never know. 1,104 words
  11. Jet Jaguar-F Smitty Werbenjagermanjenson-D @Motzaburger
  12. 1. General Zod does not have fears! Except the fear of failure, which is why Zod never fails. 3. Zod is really looking forward to hanging out with his friends, going out to clubs in Vegas, and volunteering at the old folks home, and going to Vegas Golden Knights games. 4. General Zod isn't looking forward having to stay in his home for weeks at a time. Everything he was looking forward to are now cancelled or postponed, and he is very bored all day. 5. His plans to visit China are cancelled. He also would like to go to Italy, but that is unlikely, maybe in the future. As of now, he would go see the Grand Canyon. 6. Zod loves his girl scout cookies. It's something about little girls that really gets him going. He loves tagalongs the most, but enjoys almost every cookie the girl scouts have to offer. 7. Zod loves STEAK, especially a delicious filet mignon, or a juicy ribeye cooked medium rare, with mashed potatoes on the side with gravy, of course.
  13. @McWolf if that one spot is still available please add me i'm a fool who missed this notification probably because i still had the vhlm gm tag and just ignored my notifications of people creating new players
  14. To me it looks pretty even, could have gone either way, but how did you get first team all-vhl but not top goaltender? That doesn't make any sense
  15. who should I bother to get my vhlm gm tag removed from forums

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Beaviss
    3. Matt_O


      @GustavMattias if it weren''t for the constant pings from people making new players I would do that

    4. Matt_O
  16. As General Zod waited for his name to be called, he got very anxious. While Zod is very confident, he isn't delusional. He knew he was more than likely not going to go in the top five, but as the picks went by in the first round, he continued to get passed over. Eventually the first round came to a close, and Zod was still sitting, waiting to be drafted. "The only thing going through my mind was how I will make the teams that passed on me regret it." However, with the 12th pick, the first of the second round, the Reapers were on the clock. They had been looking at a defenseman with this pick, and as they stepped to the podium, Zod knew it would be him. As they announced their pick, Zod began to stand up to hug his beautiful wife, before hearing the name "Jason Goesen" getting picked, rather than him. At this point he was very upset. However, a General in battle can never show defeat. He kept his head up, and waited. And when Vegas called his name with the 14th pick in the draft, he knew that was the place he belonged. And also because Vegas has quite an interesting nightlife, which General Zod will take full advantage of.
  17. With the VHLM draft right around the corner, Kryptonian General Zod has offered the media how he plans to impress the scouts. "Yeah, I like to show my big cannon of a slapshot, and shutdown defensive play. My biggest strength is my physical play of course, but I still can make some plays on offense if needed. But, that is the least of my worries. Tomorrow, I'm showing off for the scouts my big muscles. I will scare them into drafting me, or not drafting me, depending on who you are." He wouldn't give the press any names on who he doesn't want to go to. He made it clear that you will be able to tell who is on the receiving end of his intimidating stares. He also made it very clear his opinion on the other players of this draft. "Randy Marsh? Cool dude in Houston, good player. But I will crush his bones when we are no longer teammates. If I am not selected in the first round of the draft, someones skull will be getting bashed." Who's skull will be getting bashed? Will it be the VHLM commissioners? Or the GMs? We don't want to find out, so make sure Zod goes in the first round of the VHLM draft tomorrow or else!
  18. Meant to post this in media spots, my mistake
  19. The Moscow Menace just won their first continental cup in their franchise history with a six game series win over the Calgary Wranglers. This doesn't bring joy because I was apart of the Malmo team that had a "rivalry" with Moscow. I use quotes because it never was much of anything, at the time both of us were very bad. The real rivalry was between Malmo and Seattle, when we both were actually good. I can't help but notice that Moscow won their first cup before Malmo did, when it seemed like it would be the other way. Moscow wasn't very good for a few years, before trading for Randoms and Podrick Cast, and then suddenly were pretty good for a season or two, before fizzling out. As they fizzled out, Malmo surged, and became one of the best teams in the league for a season or two, before falling back down to the middle, and then the bottom a few seasons later. I only say it seemed like Malmo would win a cup first because Moscows run at the top was very different than Malmo's. While Moscow was doing very well, they weren't the best in the league, or their own conference. Come playoff time they did very little. I'm doing this off of memory, but I believe in S67 they made the playoffs, nearly finishing with the first seed in the European Conference, before losing in five games to Riga in the first round. The next season, they had a similar roster but couldn't even make the postseason. They returned to the playoffs in S69, and even took out the Helsinki Titans in the first round, but couldn't upset the first seeded Riga Reign in the semi finals. This season, Moscow was the best team in the league no question. It's interesting how they didn't go on a rebuild, lost multiple key players (Podrick Cast, Randoms), but they still were able to win it all and field competitive teams year in and year out. Malmo's rise and fall was much, much quicker than that. After a few unsuccessful seasons, they made some huge offseason moves before S68. They signed Matt Thompson, who had one of his best seasons that year for Malmo. They traded for Ryan Sullivan Jr., who had an unbelievable year in Malmo before tailing off and doing nothing the rest of his career. They had strong goaltending, strong defense, elite offense and good depth to compliment it. But it all seems that the sweep at the hands of the Seattle Bears in the finals threw everything away. Thompson retired, Ryan Sullivan Jr. was never the same again after that. Matthew Materazo fell to inactivity, and they settled for fourth in the European Conference the next year. After that, they fell out of the playoffs. The moral of the story? Perhaps it's that slow and steady wins the race. Moscow was good, but not great for a couple seasons before taking a big step forward this year and winning it all. Malmo rushed everything, became really really good in one year, lost, and then couldn't sustain it and fell back to the bottom. 530 words
  20. 1. What are Randy's opinions on the coronavirus? 2. Where do you expect to land in the upcoming VHLM draft? 3. How was your time spent in Houston last year? 4. Your last player was a forward, now you switch to defense. Are there any special reasons for this? 5. What kind of defenseman are you going to go for with this player? 6. What are your expectations/goals for this player?
  21. corona virus claims another
  22. I did it, then realized I got it wrong two seconds after I submitted it because I forgot that the old portal existed with DaBrickashaw.
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