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Everything posted by Matt_O

  1. Penny winning an award this year would be hilarious after everything that has happened
  2. We can't forget that only the work of Satan would get thrand a GM job when he clearly needs more AGM work
  3. 1. Who do you think is going to win the Founders Cup this year? 2. What is your favorite type of steak? 3. Will you be going to Area 51? If you aren't, which members on the VHL do you think would actually go? 4. Having shorter seasons was brought up recently. What do you think about this? 5. Do you think Vegas needs to be re-branded, and what kind of logo would you like over our current one? 6. If you had to compare yourself to an NHL player, who would it be? @Juddy @cartoes @Lapierre @frescoelmo @MMFLEX @ontanis @If_Tuna_Could_Fly @Jaga @GlowyGoat @Beerfridge @Javier Ricardo Answer 3 questions for 1 tpe, and answer all 6 for 2 tpe
  4. almost won? We always play Philly well but always end up losing
  5. god dammit i missed it. 80
  6. Welcome @Javier Ricardo! I am the Vegas GM. We have spots in the top 4 available for you, and we can maximize your ice time and beef up your stats, despite us not contending. If you are interested, quote this offer and say "accept"
  7. Welcome @loganehrlich! I am the Vegas GM. We have some spots in the top six for you if you are interested. We aren't contending but you can beef up stats and playing time here in Vegas! We would love to see you in Green and White this season! Quote this and say "Accept" if you are interested.
  8. The Malmo Nighthawks took the time out of their day to head westward for a swamp that many are to afraid to enter. Shrek, the swamp god, greeted them with open arms. Shrek is actually a big hockey guy, and loves watching the Nighthawks play. "I especially love Morpheus, or however you say his name. He hits people and breaks their bones. Guys like him make me think I could have a shot at the VHL" As we all know, Shrek would dominate all competition, and the VHL actually banned him from playing in the league, but no one ever told him, and when he went undrafted, he simply retired. He enjoys the quiet life in the swamp alongside his wife Fiona, although sometimes his noisy friend Donkey comes along. The Nighthawks have even considered employing Shrek as the team mascot. It would totally make sense, he's green already. Just put a bird hat on him and it's perfect. 161 words
  9. @Victor you did this once in one of your top 10 all time rankings
  10. Hey i had four points AND Riga didnt rape us like they usually do? I guess I'll take it
  11. 1. What do you think about your player so far? Do you like his performance so far? 2. We just got off of a rough losing streak. What do you want to see to try to right the ship? 3. You just won 100 thousand dollars. You have one night to spend it all. What would you do? 4. What is your favorite Ben and Jerry's ice cream flavor? 5. What is something you want the VHL to do that would improve the experience? 6. I can play the piano. Give me song requests and I'll try to learn it. 7. You have a date and she is smoking hot, but has the IQ of a pidgeon. What do you do with her? 8. What is a weird sport that you enjoy watching that you think deserves more attention? 9. What is your secret talent? 10. Have you ever had iHop burgers, and if so, did you like it? Answer 3 of these for 1 tpe, and answer 6 for 2 tpe. @Juddy @cartoes @Lapierre @frescoelmo @MMFLEX @ontanis @If_Tuna_Could_Fly @Jaga @GlowyGoat @Beerfridge
  12. 1. How do you feel about being roasted? 2. Any changes you would make to the VHL Clown list? 3. Riga hasn't been great this season, is there anything you attribute that to? 4. Do they actually have bagged milk in Canada? 5. What is your favorite Ben and Jerry's ice cream flavor. 6. What was the biggest bruh moment in recent memory for you, in real life or on the site? @Nykonax
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