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Everything posted by Matt_O

  1. @Lapierre first goal of the season! We lost but we are keeping it respectable with these top notch teams
  2. At least we made it respectable. @CosmicStorm first goal!
  3. In before motza says he was FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY
  4. Added you Also I made other minor changes
  5. Welcome @Klerch98! I am the Las Vegas Aces GM. We can offer you second pairing defense minutes, as well as powerplay and penalty kill time. You can move up to the first line if you stay active! We aren't a contender, but you can get the most playing minutes and beef up your stats. If you have any questions, feel free to message me or my AGM FakeJenton. -Matt_O
  6. F- Arroyo G-JB Rift Edited because I didn't realize Kingfisher was taken already @Abaddon My 1,000th post baby
  7. Updated for 7/11 @GustavMattias moved from C tier to A tier. Reason: Ranked to low to begin with Added @.sniffuM to the list. Ranked as B tier
  8. I think it's just Nighthawks but still dope regardless.
  9. thanks for the shoutout but I am still incredibly confused to say the least
  10. Motzaburger: I was FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY Everyone else:
  11. Sometimes when I see someone say something suspect I want to hit them with a clown reaction, but the best I can do is the confused face. We should add a clown face to the reaction list. We could even have weekly/monthly unofficial competitions to see who is the biggest clown (most clown reactions on their post)
  12. ok sounds good. You got me excited there
  13. You do get drafted, but this is the waiver claim. Since you joined after the draft, multiple teams will give you offers to join their team. Next offseason you will get drafted in the VHL and VHLM (minors)
  14. Welcome @Aye my name jeff! Great name. I am the GM of the Las Vegas Aces. We can offer you second line minutes, which can become first line minutes if you stay active. We also can give you powerplay and penalty kill time. Since we aren't really contending, we can give you plenty of minutes and chances to beef up stats and maximize your potential. We also have the best nightlife. Ottawa? What can you do there besides play in the snow? We would love to see you in green and white next season. If you are interested, quote this offer and say accept! -Matt_O
  15. Why did we even get rid of Vasteras?
  16. Welcome to the league @Foehammer! I am the Las Vegas Aces GM We can offer you second line minutes as well as powerplay and penalty kill time. That can become first line minutes if you stay active! Vegas has the best nightlife you can possibly imagine, so feel free to spend all your contract money in casino's. If you are interested, quote this offer and say "accept"
  17. I am not including guys like Scotty, who were in the league for very long periods of time but then left a while ago. I am focusing on recent history. Honorable mention to @McWolf since he inspired this list, despite his most recent comeback @Stoffiday I didn't really know him, but he obviously was loved by most in the community. Beaviss just said he misses him, and he hasn't logged on in 6 months. For a first gen, he clearly had a big impact on the site. @Spade18 While a return is possible, for now it looks like it's over. Being removed from the NY GM job due to inactivity, losing his job at the recruitment crew and not earning any TPE for Shane Mars. He was well respected in the community and we hope to see him back. @Eudaldkp He was the GM of the Storm and was the S65 first overall pick. He recently stepped down and hasn't updated in nearly two months. It was a shame to see him go, but his decline in activity was slowly becoming more obvious as time went on. It wasn't out of nowhere. We still hope he returns. I'm sure there are a ton of guys I missed. These are just the three that I can think of off the top of my head
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