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Everything posted by Matt_O

  1. It's Game seven in Davos, and the Reign are up 4-1. These two teams are in the middle of a bitter rivalry, and the crowd is roaring after a huge fight between the teams. Nobody could have guessed what would happen next, and how the next 14 seconds would change VHL history. This game needs a deep rewind. Shortly after the Dynamo had relocated from Avangard, they found themselves in a serious rivalry with the Riga Reign. Both being in the European Conference, the two teams were very similar in style and were always very close in the standings. Their goaltender Benoit Deveroux ( @Cowboy ) is one of the greatest goaltenders ever, with an ungodly .940 save percentage in S11. They also had Zach Arce, who hadn't become a superstar yet, but was in the early stages of his career. That can also be said about Tomas Jenskovic ( @scotty )who would eventually become a Hall of Famer but wasn't a star yet.What really pushed these two teams into their rivalry was the acquisition of Jonathan Matthias, who would score 61 goals and 76 assists for Davos in S11, alongside winning the MVP. This trade from the offseason gave Davos the edge on Riga, and they finished with the number one seed in the conference. While the Dynamo were a great team, we can't forget to talk about Riga. They had the talents of Torstein Schwartz, Kyle McLeod and Vladimir Klement. Despite having no hall of famers (Davos had three) They finished just behind Davos in the standings, but in their head to head matchups, they were practically dead even. Davos had four wins, Riga had six, with three of those coming in a shootout. And in their series, it looked like these two were very evenly matched. In the third period of game one, this intense rivalry and the hatred boiled over, and there was a huge fight between the two teams. Game one was perhaps a wake up call for Davos, since Riga dominated them in the shot category, and beat them 3-1 to steal home ice from an elite Davos squad. Game two was led by their fourth line and Benoit Deveroux, which they stole from Riga and they tied up the series. Game three saw yet another line brawl, this time involving Jonathan Matthias, Zach Arce, and Vladimir Klement, three stars from either team. Despite Matthias two goals in just four seconds, Riga held on to win game three, and bounced back after a disappointed game two. In game four, Tomas Ziegler put a loose puck in the back of the net late in the third, which put Davos ahead by one. The Dynamo held on to win that game, and tie the series at two. Two massive fights in only four games between teams isn't normal for a playoff series, but this wasn't any normal series. These two teams hated each other. "Things definitely culminated in S11 and formed arguably the best rivalry in league history." -Tomas Jenskovic Game five featured more beatdowns, with Jartavius O'Neal pounding an unknown Riga player. More goals from the fourth line led to this game heading Davos' way, and Riga would play for their lives in game six. In game six, it was the Reign that finished on top, and they had forced what seemed to be inevitable; Game 7. Game 7 in Davos The game the VHL had been waiting for had begun, and it started with a bang. With seven minutes remaining in the first, another big fight broke out, with three players from each team heading to the box. More back and forth action between the teams led to a Riga goal, and they silenced the fans and took the lead. They continued to pile on, scoring another before the end of the first. While the game was young, it didn't look so great for Davos. The second period started and the crowd got even quieter; Riga scored again to make their lead 3-0. It was a pitiful effort from Davos at their home arena. Late in the second, Davos finally broke through, as Tuvia Bielski scored to make it 3-1. It wasn't totally over yet, until Ace Lightning immediately responded and gave Riga their three goal lead back. Heading into the third period, the Zurich Center was quiet. The game seemed out of reach. The Dynamo had twenty minutes to save their season. The first ten minutes of the third came and went, before another huge fight broke out. Jartavius O'Neal sent the crowd into a frenzy, and the building was electric. Despite being down 4-1, the fans were going crazy. Before I get to this next part, we need to take a break and talk about Tomas Ziegler. He was a big peice of Davos' success, as he had decided to sign their in free agency during the S10 offseason. He originally played on Riga, and was heckled by his former teammates. He was a traitor by joining his old teams biggest rival. He finished with 96 points in S11, and was the anchor of the second line for Davos. After the massive fight with O'Neal, only twenty four ticks of the clock went by before the crowd erupted once again. Tomas Ziegler, a former Riga player, put the puck into the back of the net to make the score 4-2, with 9:17 left in the third. The building was alive, the crowd was deafening. Right off the face off, Sebastian Perrin won it forward and it was picked up by Matthias. He skated past the defender on the blue line and snapped a wicked wrist shot from the hashmarks. The red light flashed. It was 4-3. Four seconds had passed. Zurich Center had never been louder. Davos was back in it. Sebastian Perrin won the faceoff back to Tomas Jenskovic, who ripped a pass to Jonathan Matthias. Matthias was streaking into the offensive zone, and found himself on a partial break. He turned, took a quik shot, and scored. It was 4-4. Fourteen seconds had passed. The only word to describe this was miraculous. The final nine minutes played out, and we headed to overtime. Davos scores three goals in 14 seconds to tie the game The first overtime began, and it belonged to Riga. They dominated the entire period, putting 22 shots on Deveroux, who stopped all 22. Davos did nothing, and barely made it out alive. We had double overtime. The madness would continue. But in double overtime, it wouldn't take long. Tomas Ziegler would make a mark of Dynamo history that no one could have ever guessed would of happened. He sniped one over the shoulder of Reign goaltender Marek van Urho, and the Dynamo capped one of the most epic comebacks the VHL has ever seen. A comeback for the ages marked the beginning of HC Davos hockey. They would go on to win the S13 Continental Cup, but failed to win again until S20. The Reign continued their dominance, with a finals berth in S12 and a Continental Cup in S16. This moment in VHL history will stand as perhaps the single greatest moment in VHL history.
  2. When I got a message from Quik I was just as surprised as you are
  3. Nyko had a minecraft channel where he exposed hackers. I say we remove him of his vhlm gm position, but we don't ban him. He has some good in this world. That is one less person to laugh at, one less S tier clown
  4. Vancouver Riga Moscow Helsinki
  5. this is a moment in history and I am here to witness it
  6. If you are interested in fantasy football or fantasy hockey sign up here: 


    1. Kekzkrieg


      I've never done fantasy hockey but I'd be willing to try it!

  7. https://vhlforum.com/topic/67700-fantasy-league/
  8. Not sure what exactly is going on, but I will just re-iterate my offer from earlier: Vegas can offer you second line minutes +powerplay time that will likely become first line minutes pretty quickly. We have a three point lead on Saskatoon for the eighth seed, and we could use some firepower to try to take down Philly or Ottawa in the first round. Come join us!
  9. Baby Sharpe doo doo doo doo doo doo Congrats!
  10. Victor has the most uncanny ability to respond to things months after they are posted. In his post "Best teams to not win a cup", I responded with S22 Toronto in February or so, don't remember the date exactly. This man responds five months later. But wait, it gets better. In the thread "Have you ever tagged yourself", someone called him the most egotistical person on the site. He replied, saying valid. Three years later. THREE YEARS. That is absurd.
  11. Just to make sure it doesn't get lost Me at 7:30 PM EST, 8/12/19 DiamondAce: Prague Enorama: Washington DC Case for Prague Well this is pretty easy. DA has a team in a different league I am in that is in Prague, and he also is a mega advocate for Prague. Pretty easy one there. Case for DC This one was tough at first, but then everything came together. First, lets look at the player name. George Washington is all I needed to make this guess, but it gets better. On discord, he posted a picture of a car with red white and blue colors. Coincidence? I don't think so. If I get this correct (without inside info or help from others) I deserve one uncapped tpe
  12. At first I was selected and was sad, but after one day I knew it was going to be awesome in Malmo. We got the best LR in the league for sure. Also @GustavMattias you need to write about Houstons S65 draft. It was insanely good
  13. I am adding a fact. If Zeno Miniti did not score a single point for the rest of the season in the VHLM, he would still finish in first place. Second place Thorny Underyew is on pace for 119 points, three short of Miniti. Zeno for HOF
  14. Hey @diamond_ace! I am the Vegas GM. We are sitting in eighth place right now and could use a little boost to get away from Saskatoon. We can offer second line minutes +powerplay time, which would likely become first line minutes pretty quickly.
  15. VHL team predictions

    DiamondAce: Prague

    Enorama: Washington DC

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