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Everything posted by Matt_O

  1. Agree except that Hulk Hogan is the best defenseman in the draft
  2. We have an editor, but we may hire another. We hired writers, but be on the lookout, more spots may open up
  3. The clowns that complained about Malmo are basically like Don Cherry complaining about the Hurricanes or the people who thought the Vegas expansion draft was too OP and fixed.
  4. I'll apply for the USA. Played for them in the last WJC and I am super active and would also like to try my hand at a GM role. I am an AGM for Malmo as well. I just want one WJC GM role before I am no longer classified as a newer member. Please
  5. Matthew Materazo Mat Barzal (wearing thunderbirds Jersey) Malmo Nighthawks text preference: none other: if the number is showing make it 22
  6. Moscow is high key going to be a potential dynasty in three-four seasons, they have so many good young players. Nano isn't one of them but he's pretty good
  7. It’s been 12 hours @Poptart Matthew Materazo -F why not? @Banackock you’re up
  8. Do you guys have any suggestions on what I should do next?
  9. It's the year 2007, a time so ancient in VHL history that finding an exact date is borderline impossible, and finding exact details is like finding a needle in a haystack. The S1 draft had just taken place and brought a lot of controversy with it. The Amstel Tigers shockingly drafted Robert Sharpe first overall, ahead of the likes of Maxim Desny and Scotty Campbell. This alone brought controversy over who should have been first overall, but what happened after this was the real shocker. Robert Sharpe was banned from earning TPE for an entire season, but why? This needs a deep rewind. Many people do not know about the ESHL. Only a handful of guys still around today were involved in it, and no more than 20 people likely are aware of its existence. The ESHL (Extreme Simulation Hockey League) was the league before the VHL that started it all. Players such as Scotty Campbell, David Knight, and Matt Pogge came from the ESHL after it was shut down. The main reason for the leagues failure was the sim engine. The ESHL used the EA Sports NHL franchise on Playstation , which was good at first but its flaws began to show after five or six seasons. With the modern day VHL, we use PC-based STHS, which has been a reliable sim engine for over 65 seasons. Now thats how the league started, from the ashes of the ESHL. But how did Sharpe come into the picture? Well, shortly after the ESHL's closing, a member by the name of Pombo_22 was looking for help in creating another sim league. @sterling sent him a message and they worked together, along with Kevin Brooks, to create what we now know as the Victory Hockey League. Pombo_22 goes by a different name now, one more recognizable to the masses, @Beketov. The league was growing awfully fast, and there were 80 players in the first ever VHL draft. The first overall pick was debated, but many said that Campbell would go first. Those who didn't think Campbell would be first overall had Maxim Desny going first overall. The Wranglers had the first overall pick, but promptly traded it to Amstel in exchange for the sixth overall pick and other picks. Now owning the first overall pick, the Tigers decided to make a very risky move. Sharpe had largely been considered a mid second rounder by many, and when Amstel Tigers GM JJ Krever announced that Sharpe would be the first overall pick, it opened up a massive controversy. The fact that he passed on Campbell and Desny, the two guys who were up for the first overall pick, was shocking. Many members were shocked, including netminder Matt Pogge, who fell down to ninth overall, and Scotty Boulet, who fell to sixth overall. Things were bad for Sharpe. It somehow got worse. Just days before the inaugural season began, the Commissioner of the VHL Kevin Brooks announced an investigation into Sharpe. They had found a graphic he made for the VHL that was identical to a graphic made in a separate league, just with a different render and name. This sparked even more controversy around Sharpe, and it only got worse. They found more of these ripped off graphics, which he had been claiming TPE for. The Commissioners implemented the "three strike rule", where Sharpe was made an example of what not to do. It was the Commissioners way of flexing his muscles and showing that they are serious about the league, and won't tolerate any nonsense. Sharpe was banned from earning point tasks for the entire first season. "I firmly stand by the fact that it was a bit of a ridiculous punishment and people have completely done worse since without getting any kind of punishment. The rules were also pretty grey at the time (this is what created the wording of “100% original” that we have now) but by the time I came around to defend myself everyone had already decided I was apparently the anti-Christ." -Robert Sharpe While many believed Sharpe would be a bust before the suspension happened, that was the icing on the cake. Sharpe considered leaving the league, before Scotty Campbell talked him back into it. We can be forever grateful that he came back, and perhaps the league would look far different contributions of the account behind the contentious Sharpe, Beketov. After the suspension, this rule was never used again. The Sharpe player agency moved on, and brought in new legends such as Alexander Beketov, and now they have their newest player Matt Thompson. Robert Sharpe will forever be known as one of the biggest busts of all time, although things could have been different if it weren't for the suspension. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to Robert Sharpe for giving us his take on the suspension Special thanks to @sterling for his work on the VHL 20 for 20 series, which was extremely helpful for this article.
  10. When do we get to play Moscow, I’m sick of playing these good teams
  11. 1. Do you think you will win rookie of the year? 2. Do you think Malmo will keep this up and make the playoffs? 3. Any thoughts on Moscow? 4. What do you think of the current lottery system? 5. What is your favorite NHL team and player?
  12. Has a team ever blown a 3-0 series lead in VHL history?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Thranduil


      Lol remember when Saskatoon, who I think you were playing for at the time, blew a 7-1 lead to Halifax, who I was playing for, in game 1 of the semi-finals? That was legendary, but then of course Saskatoon proceeded to come back from a 3-1 series deficit, eventually winning the cup that year.

    3. Matt_O


      Yes I do remember that, that may be the strangest game in VHLM history. Maybe I'll write an article about it for VSN. I'm working on one regarding Yukon and Ottawa from that season, where the Rush choked

    4. Thranduil


      Yeah that season was weird in general. Halifax sucked on paper. Only guys we had above 100 TPE were Flipachyev (114) and MacKinnon (139) and somehow we finished third. Then the bottom seed in the playoffs, Ottawa, beat the much better Las Vegas and the top seed Yukon, to get to the finals. Crazy shit!

  13. Great job, the only thing that could be better is the logo alignment as Hulk Hogan said. Could you make one for me as well, if you wouldn't mind?
  14. I definitely feel bad for them, and I would feel worse if they didn’t randomly start beef with us. I’m still happier in Malmo than I would be in Moscow, even if our success is short lived, just because of my teammates and my increased playing time compared to Moscow
  15. It's February 16th. The Moscow Menace had recently been announced as a franchise. and were about to begin their expansion draft. They had just taken Paolo Nano from Helsinki when they reached the Americans pick. They had a pretty rich prospect pool, with the likes of Materazo, Puigdemont, Zabby and others. Puigdemont was a guaranteed protection, and Zabby took the final protection spot. That meant Materazo was the odd man out, and he was primed to become the guy in Moscow alongside Mark Gebauer. However, at the very last moment, the protection lists changed, and Materazo took the final protection spot, and Zabby was left for Moscow to take. Of course, Zabby would go on to retire immediately. Materazo on the other hand has continued to earn TPE at a great rate, and is one of the faces of Malmo. The Nighthawks could have been a very different team had Zabby been protected rather than Materazo, as they would likely not have one of their top guys. I'm definitely grateful for this, considering that Malmo has as many wins in twelve games than Moscow had all of last season. I also get far more playing time on Malmo than I would on Moscow, considering they have so many players. Who could have guessed this decision changed the fate of a new franchise so much?
  16. Americans, you NEED me. You guys stink
  17. Gutsy win. Holy cow we are actually for real
  18. Matt_O

    MAL/DAV: S66

    Still looking for part two of this trade
  19. My bad, forgot to tag him
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