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About Galdoblame

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  1. Im not inactive. It just not worth the effort to do so many task every week to only upgrade a stat once per week. I always come back for the team camp and get my exp. Bald Guy have the highest exp of any recruit in his draft and probably have the highest +- too, because that's how my build work. I could always upgrade skating and ck, but ck = a lot of penalty , and sk = change in player decision, which are ,imo, more important than even the stat. I could almost argue my build is done and im just waiting for the exp. Just a shame my team don't use my player as leader, because my leadership is currently wasted TP
  2. F mikka pajari
  3. g- Johnny Havenk Carison d- Vaydar Odinsson @11 Eleven
  4. d- Basaraba Moose f- Teagan Glover
  5. oh daym, I forgot about this. do I pick 2 pick rn ?
  6. @11 Eleven
  7. matt thompson
  8. In again !
  9. 1) a good power forward with high scoring. 2)nothing much. my build is mostly done , I don't have anything I really need to work on 3)I have not followed the off season, sorry 4)I don,t really care much. Since it,s a popularity contest and not based on LD I couldn't care less 5)a lot, but not because of that 6) Help. Either push them farther in the bottom, or help them rise to the top again. Either way are good for the futur of the organisation
  10. american bear wolves titans
  11. Player Name: Bald Guy VHL/VHLM Team: helski Cash you have: 3,75m Purchase Name: exp pack 10 Cost of Purchase:3m Cash Left: ,75m
  12. 1) right now i don't have any favorite. im still very new to the team and have missed some game due to contract issue, but i think i won't have favorite. I just like everyone ! 2) quite well for now! Im used to do a lot of really harsh physical training, so something like that is fine. i just don't understand what people are saying at all time 3)I won't ! Baldness is a symbol of courage as a warrior ! i prefer to stay bald forever ! 4) as a player ? i would say 30 point could be a strench, but that's what i am aiming for. But i guess it should be more around 25. Im looking to be the highest +- and show the world how much usefull i am . 5) I had no help. But the AGM opened an app that allow me to talk with teamate in a easier way. Yay ! 6) He goes in a chinese restaurent and eat as much as he can everytime. Then when the game is about to start, he eat fish scale until he can't crouch anymore.
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