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Everything posted by InstantRockstar

  1. Long ass tenure man, I still remember when you were promoted. Sorry to hear you're feeling the way you are, but kudos to you for calling it quits on your own terms when you realized it. Hopefully your interest comes back soon Take care of yourself in the meantime.
  2. When Augustus Kennedy first broke into the league, you wouldn't have been able to sell his name to many fans or even other players, as he was well behind in training hours and was not doing the best between the pipes for Saskatoon, a lot of people doubted his abilities as he was a bit of a late bloomer coming into the league and was playing with people who were just outclassing him, however as of today's stature and viewpoint, he looks like a completely different player. Augustus has now seemingly found his footing for the league and has really stood his ground for Saskatoon, being named multiple stars in multiple games, winning his teams game axe for his recent shutout performance and helping his team climb to second in their whole conference, fourth in the league. With this new dynamic shift of his game style and play, a lot of people have now changed their perspective on the young goalie and a lot of comments have come flooding in that whatever he did, has really improved his overall demeanor out on the ice and it's really affecting his ability to win games, in a positive way. We'll continue to keep on this story for the near future just to see if it's a fluke, or if it's something to be intrigued about, but for now, Saskatoon fans and players alike are very happy to see their team winning games.
  3. 1. As more and more games are being played, how is your player feeling about our start? - Augustus is getting better and better between the pipes, he's now the 2nd most winningest goalie in the league and is only improving from there. 2. What keeps your player hydrated while taking part in practices and games? - Always some gatorade, with some of my hydration coming from chocolate milk, both provide excellent nutrient options. 3. What should be our season expectations this year? - We're a top team to be feared with imo, we've got a steady and consistent team with some top dogs carrying us for sure. 4. Has your player ever been in a slump? If so, how did they get out of it? - I would say the start of the season was iffy, I accumulated most of my losses as the season began, but once we found our groove I've been pretty lights out since. 5. Favourite ice cream flavour? - Mint chocolate chip always. 6. If you could choose one superpower what would it be? - To be able to fly, I hate driving places and planes suck, so just flying everywhere on my own would be amazing
  4. When thinking back on the time spent before joining the VHLM, Augustus Kennedy really has a lot of fond memories, but the odd thing is... none of them were really hockey related. Augustus is the youngest of his four siblings, all of them also athletes of varying sports, but none of them being a hockey athlete. Being that his whole household was full on sports mode, it just came about over the young years that Augustus would indeed be doing something with himself related to sports, he just didn't know what that something would be. During his very early years, everyone including his parents made him try it all, from soccer to which he hated, football to which he just didn't connect with, baseball to which he didn't have a good enough swing and even all the way to basketball even though he just wasn't really interested, and with all of those things tested, there was one more option the family had for him. Augustus being a late bloomer didn't know much about hockey, he didn't know how to skate, he didn't know about equipment, but his parents were adamant that he do something sport related so this is what he pushed himself to do. Little by little his siblings helped mold him into something he really wanted to be, a goalie. Of course, it came with a price, he was the 'target practice' for all of his brothers wicked slap shots and his sisters insane dangles, but eventually... he wasn't. Slowly but surely he learned the techniques, how to avoid being scored on via a cross-crease and how to make himself larger than life in net, his hand speed and reaction times were improving every single week that he was out on the ice and eventually, he just clicked and found his groove. Being a Canadian kid, Augustus ended up taking his talents to the OHL where he would join the junior team "Oshawa Generals" for half of their season, at first it was just on tryout, he was there to just learn the ropes in a more professional setting and of course, to see if he was capable of being that elite level goalie he wanted to be. What was once a tryout turned into a consistent backup role and eventually, to their starting goalie role after he began to win them game after game, he was becoming the reason for their success. About half way through, his agent got a phone call and was told that he had an opportunity to make it huge, the biggest league of them all, the VHL. He would have to start in their minor league system he was told, and would be draft eligible for the minor draft should he want... and while it was a tough decision to leave such a stable environment, Augustus and his agent chose to take the plunge and get their feet wet at even a more elite establishment. Once the decision was made, Augustus finished his junior season with the Gens, and ended up in the draft where the Saskatoon Wild took him late in the rounds to secure him as their starting goalie. And the rest now... is history in the making.
  5. Always happy to talk trades and just shoot the shit with you @KaleebtheMighty glad we could make this one come to fruition. @DarkSpyro I'm really excited to have you aboard on the team, I know @Baby Boomer and the rest of Rome are excited too. We're really happy to be able to snag another pivotal piece in our cup run!
  6. RECAP: DCD vs CHI - Game 78 When relegation got brought up, I hadn't read TOO much into it, to see what the issue was, but looking at this game, and the rosters, it's very clear this was a David vs Goliath match, and David did not come close to winning this one, in fact, I'm not even sure with a BOT goalie if they'd even succeed in the E... In any case, the game opened up about how you'd expect, DCD got a PP early, and took advantage of it right away, but in the midst of all this, CHI actually managed to notch a goal also on the PP, to tie the game up. This would be the last time CHI even had a glimpse at hope to winning this game, as DCD took over. Just after half-way mark (14:27) DCD via Griff Mackenzie take back the lead. The second wasn't too bad, in fact both teams took just as many penalties, and DCD only ended up scoring one goal via Hadrian to give themselves a one-goal lead going into the third. Where things got real ugly is the third, CHI got outshot 13-5, and DCD scored two unanswered goals, giving them a 3 goal lead for the win, courtesy of Dyrdahl and Hadrian for the second time. Surprisingly, shots were not far off one another considering the difference in depth of the rosters, 50-30 in DCD favor, but goalie was the biggest thing... BOT's can't win games (most) of the times, though Chicago has been impressive in proving haters wrong, winning 2 of their games with one, so don't count them out completely, clearly someone doesn't know how to beat BOT's
  7. RECAP Ottawa vs Saskatoon - Game 54 1st Period If you want to talk about a scary opening to a game, look no further than this one. Just twenty seconds into the game, basically enough time to drop the puck and skate into the zone, Ottawa buries their first goal courtesy of Franklin Chang (Benjamin) with assists coming from Robb (Bob) and Clarke (Daniel). This game was heating up, Saskatoon had previous lost to them and knew they had to do something to get the game going, get the crowd fired up, however their hearts sank later in the period, as my player (and Sasky goalie) Augustus Kennedy gets lit up again 14:46 into the period, this time courtesy of Wilson (Manny), the apple comes courtesy of Ivanovitch (Mikayev) and their amazing BOT (OTT D2-2). Overall, this period was Ottawa's to take, and they put an early stranglehold on my Wild, also, our team did ourselves no favors as they got two penalties, one right after the first goal (26 seconds in) and the other just after the 6 minute mark. 2nd Period When you think the game is all but won early on, there is a good shot it isn't, and that was the case this period. What Ottawa did to Saskatoon, they did right back with firepower, opening their scoring parade at 2 minutes, 26 seconds into the period, this first goal courtesy of McSticks (Pucky) and assisted by Lambert (Minou) and White (Eric). The game was more or less anyone's to win at this point, but Saskatoon decided to tie it up half-way through the period (10:51) this time White (Eric) returned the favor, that line heating up as Lambert (Minou) and McSticks (Pucky) assisted, they now singlehandedly tied up the game. This period in terms of penalties was heavily Ottawa based, with 3 of the 4 coming from that team, maybe some frustration after blowing a 2-0 lead? 3rd Period This one was... about as uneventful as it gets. Saskatoon absolutely plastered Ottawa in shots, 12 shots to 4 however neither team could have the game decided in regulation, one odd thing to note though, there was also 0 penalties, so it seems like the game kind of went a bit balanced... 1st period, SASK took most of the penalties, 2nd period, OTT took most of the penalties, and penalties were mostly taken after goals... odd. OT We headed to OT and the lines were a little shaken up here, however the play was all Saskatoon, Ottawa couldn't even touch the puck by the looks of things, and if they did, they never got a single shot off. It only took Saskatoon 3 shots to end the game, a 3 goal rally with 0 coming from Ottawa, this goal was the biggest and his second of the game as White (Eric) breaks the tie, assisted by Taylor (Chase) and Kowalski (Brian). This was also after Ottawa took a penalty (right before it was set to expire)... what a kick in the kahunas. FINAL SCORE: 3-2 Saskatoon via OT goal.
  8. This isn't a claimable review, but let me just say... you didn't miss a beat. Welcome back @Brandon
  9. Lol apparently I was too tired for my own good. I’ll fix it tonight!
  10. 1. Season starting back up once again! What does your player do to motivate themselves for the start of the season? - Biggest motivation is just constant reminder of what Augustus wants to become. He knows to be elite, you need to think elite, and so that is his every day motivation, reminding himself that he is what he wants to be. 2. Is there any significant difference from your player this year from last year? - This is Kennedy's first year in the league so this is his "breakout" year or I suppose maybe "standout" year. This will be his time to make an impression on the league. 3. Biggest rivalry your player has with a team? - As a goalie... everyone haha. We need to stand our ground and win games, Augustus is going to do that at all costs. 4. What is something Saskatoon can improve on or change?(Both on the ice and in the locker room) - Sasky has a little bit of everything and works very well together, like any team I'd say depth is already nice to have but our top-heavy team looks solid so far. 5. What has your player been working on the most in the offseason?- Everything, it's his first season so he had to work on it all 6. What type of animal do you think your player resembles? - Bear, he's big, he's fast and agile, and has big mitts.
  11. Or, crazy thought haha, just talk to your players you plan to call up, and let them know you plan to call them up For me anyways, this has nothing to do with limits and call-ups specifically, as much as it does complete lack of communication between VHL GM's (not all btw) and their own players & prospects. Keep them in the loop, tell them of your intentions, garner their input, realistically as a GM you should be talking to your players anyways, but where the huge disconnect is, is that is NOT happening currently. We don't need harsher restrictions or removing VHLE teams, we just need VHL GM's to go to their players, speak their mind to them, pick their brains, see what THEY would like to do with their player, and then go from there. (If that makes sense)
  12. I have no issue with the system, just the lack of communication. Really, it has nothing to do with ME worrying about a player going up or not, it's theoretically up to the VHL GM's to have communication with THEIR players and THEIR intentions to call players up. It's not me they need to tell, it's the players, and THAT is what is not happening right now. The crazy amount of users I've had confide in me after being called up with nothing more than a forum notification is troubling, how can NO ONE tell this user they plan to bring them up and see if their desires would be to stay down vs come up? Giving the user some kind of say or at the very least a heads up should be priority #1 imo...
  13. Yeah it’s not yourself to my knowledge but I know numerous players and GMs HAVE done this and it’s just surprising and more so troubling. These users and their players seem to be enjoying the E, they’ve built rapport with their team, expressed their desires to stay with the team, etc only to find out via a forum notification that they were called up. No communication from their GM then they come to me upset and blindsided because they never knew it was happening and wanted to stay down…
  14. I think the problem is becoming HOW the call-ups are being handled vs the actual call-ups though. This league has always been, especially in this 'era' we're in, about retainment, player satisfaction, user enjoyment, etc, but it's becoming more and more clear, that's not the case with this stuff. The amount of times I've been DM'd about my players, and even other users I know on other teams being completely blindsided by a call-up when they had NO desires or expectations or communications of being called up, is wild to me. I would expect at ANY level, whether its me as an E GM, or the VHL GM's at their level, would be COMMUNICATING with their prospects and players to SEE how they feel and what THEY want to do. I've had multiple players for instance tell me they want to remain in the VHLM while being a VHLE GM, and I've respected their wishes despite what they could do for my roster so that they can have enjoyment where they find the enjoyment, but what I'm seeing now is that other GM's at the pro level simply... aren't doing even that anymore. I don't think call-ups are bad at all, in fact, as a GM, we're entitled to them, but where I feel like we're letting down our users & players, is by completely blindsiding them and failing to do something so simple as communicate with them PRIOR to making those decisions. We're all about the player retainment, satisfaction, etc, and that is a BIG part of it. Users should NOT be finding out they are being called up from a portal notification and not so much as a simple two second DM from their pro GM to see how they feel about coming up and what THEY want to do. Hopefully that makes sense, and I'm not trying to start an argument, so I apologize if it comes across that way, the internet is not easy to set emotions I am not mad or anything, just gonna put this disclaimer here.
  15. it is, but when the VHL GM's take guys <300 TPE from us and our rosters are already scarce, it just becomes a problem of having both the leagues functioning when some teams now in the E can't even roster a good enough team or even a close to full team. While the cut-off and such is great, and the call-up cut-off is also great, it's not helpful when we lose a bunch of OUR key players that would play prime roles in OUR league, to the VHL GM's to play them 5 mins a night and have the players be less than satisfied...
  16. Happy to do this request, working on it now! What's wrong with the wording? I'm stockpiling my graphics to use them once per week for my weekly PT's, is there a rule against making multiple graphics to hoard for my PT's?
  17. I'd ideally like to build up a huge amount of gfx to use for my new player so I don't run out for a while. Helps me in case my workload IRL gets out of control. If you want a sig, please post below with details: Player Name: Preferred Render (NHL Player, IRL person, etc): Current Team: Preferred Text (If any): Thanks all!
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