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Everything posted by InstantRockstar

  1. 5/3/22 - Oslo Press Conference 1. Have you guys done your Prospect Scouting Report? I need to do mine before the season is over, I almost forgot about it entirely. I have done it absolutely thank you for asking! 2. We all love ice hockey, but have you ever played street hockey? What about field hockey? As a kid that is all I played growing up, as a goalie also. 3. Do you like surprises? Both being surprised or surprising others count here, I think. I love them, but my wife does not haha. 4. Are you a personality test person? 'Which Harry Potter House' style or the clinical kind? (I'm an enneagram 9, if anyone knows what that means) I don't mind them, but also don't take them super seriously. Maybe for fun only. 5. Did your favorite NHL team make the playoffs? Tell me how you feel about it. Haven't in... god knows how long. I'm a Ducks fan, let me cry in peace. 6. What is your favorite meal to cook? Probably anything to do with steak, it's an excellent source of protein and can be tossed into so many dishes.
  2. 1. Our bots are on fire right now, should we name them? What would be a fun name scheme for them? Why not, give them some spunk & personality! 2. Do you nap? Do you think your player would take a pregame nap? Never pre-game, but naps are wonderful. On off-days, after training or a long hard day, a nap is king. 3. We have to travel around Europe a lot for games - what’s your favorite way to travel long distances? By plane of course haha, how else 4. What’s your favorite way to travel short distances? Probably by team bus, get's us engaged with one another pre-game. 5. Which super power would you want to give to your player? Super speed to just snag all the pucks and never worry about missing one. 6 What is your favorite afternoon snack? Probably some boiled eggs mashed up with different spices & herbs.
  3. Augustus Kennedy was drafted late in the 2nd to Oslo, with some aspirations of recapturing his 'youth' from the M and trying to achieve greatness in his next chapter, but unfortunately for him, it's been a bit of a letdown and realistically, it's not any one persons fault. Augustus knew that a lot of teams going into the draft had their starter, and being behind, he knew that it really didn't matter to a lot of them when he went in the draft. With how the season has gone so far, Kennedy has tried to do his best to remain positive and to enjoy his time in the E, but being lit up every single game has begun to take a bit of a toll on the youngster who just isn't used to performing the way he is. There is no doubt in his mind that his VHL career should hopefully be much better, but his hope will solely rely on how the next season is handled for New York and if they can come to terms with building a contending team. Right now however, Augustus is solely focused on getting some more wins and just trying to make do the best of his time in the VHLE, before focusing on his future too much.
  4. 1. Oslo finished last in the E last season, but we’re on the rebound. How many positions will we gain in the standings this season? Can't go down, right? I could see us being a bubble team if we add pieces, but if we stay with the roster we have, probably around the bottom unless we somehow get carried by our offense. 2. Are you planning to focus your stats anywhere specific this season? Just the 4 stats I've been focusing on pretty much from the get-go. 3. Who do you think might make a good rival for Oslo this season? Let's go with Rome because... it's my old stomping grounds. 4. The LR found out I like disc golf, what’s a hobby you have outside of hockey? Collecting sports cards. 5. What’s the largest amount of money you’ve ever found? How’d you find it? I wish I was that lucky, but I can genuinely say I've never 'come' into money or 'found' money. Always had to work for mine haha. 6. There is a big pile of candy at my house, and there might be one at yours, too. What types of candy do you like best? A particular brand? Chocolate, caramel, fruit, sour, or something totally different? Favorite brand of chocolate is a French brand called Pierre Marcolini, splendid.
  5. F - Zeedayno Chara Draft complete for me. @fishy up
  6. Fantasy sabatoge lol, fucking Cow. Swap out Rolf for Jerome, drop Rolf and add Board Games to my team. Thank you
  7. Little late to be telling me this lol, all the good F just got taken... how do we handle this now? I get my best F taken away and now I'm SOL on a top F?
  8. Oslo Storm Press Conference Week Ending 4/17/22 1. The draft is over and our roster has arrived in Oslo. What’s the first comfort from home that you must find when you get into town? Need some kind of a bakery, easily. French cuisine revolves around bread, so I need it all. 2. What skills does your player show off to teammates during your first practice together? Probably the ability to rob them with my glove speed. 3. Was your player practicing and training hard during the off-season, or did they go into full vacation mode? Anything goaltending was practiced very much during off-season but family time was also taken. 4. The new trainers need to know what kind of smoothies and protein drinks to brew up for you - what flavors are you into? Sweet or savory? Fruit or vegetables? All of the above? Fruit always, smoothies with any mixture of fruit is a win. 5. The Storm is considering a new in-stadium mascot: what would their name be, and what would they look like? A very large thunderbolt would be pretty fun to see. 6. Do you have any connections to your new teammates? Anyone you’re excited to get to share the ice with? Or: What do you think your teammates will appreciate about your style of play? Not really talked to anyone quite yet, still gaining my barring.
  9. Augustus Kennedy was drafted by the Oslo Storm in the 2nd round of the VHLE draft and has now confirmed... he'll be starting there to begin the season. Kennedy's agency firm is no stranger to the E or Oslo, as once upon a time he GM'd them back when they were in the minor league, but he also has ties to the E with his three season run with Rome. When asked on his thoughts, Kennedy had this to say in an official statement to the league and the media: "Oslo at this time doesn't have a complete roster, we're going to need to put in some work if there are plans to compete, but with me between the pipes, it's possible. I just came off of a huge win in the M with my Saskatoon boys and I'm feeling great, so with a full team around me, the sky would be the limit. I trust my new general manager and will trust the process, I don't believe our team is finished just yet and there is more to come behind the scenes. For now, I'm going to keep griding, I'm going to keep putting in work and I'm going to be ensuring to the best of my ability that my game is top notch. From there, the rest is up to the team that is iced ahead of me, I'll lock down the net, so long as I have a supporting cast to play with. It's Oslo... or no one." A big statement made by Kennedy and he is looking to back up all of his claims as the season is set to begin very soon.
  10. 1) The VHL Draft was this week and the New York Americans were able to secure their future starting goalie, as well as a future forward with their two first round picks. How would you rate the Americans' draft? Being that I was apart of the draft and that future franchise goalie, I feel very, very good. I really like how the team is shaping up and looks in terms of our future here. 2) We are on what feels like the 50th week of the offseason. What does your player like to do with their free time in the offseason? Usually, prepare for the next season, but with this off-season being extended he's gone home to see his family in the meantime, sometime he doesn't get to do too often. 3) What teams do you think will emerge as contenders in the post-meta era of the VHL and why? I'm thinking on both sides of the world, we'll likely see a Riga vs Toronto finals of some sort, I really think Riga is going to turn it around here and be an insane team that should well surpass any expectations. 4) How do you feel about you new build heading into the new season? Alternatively what are some of the best or worst builds you've seen around the league? I'm a goalie so I am completely unaffected by the change, I've played around with it and found some fun builds though for the future! 5) Auston Matthews just potted his 57th and 58th goals and seems like a lock to net 60 by season's end. Do you think he has surpassed Connor McDavid this season for best player in the league, or do you think someone outside these two players is even better? I think Matthews is not the best player in the league, as he would need to be great CONSTANTLY but he is easily a top player this season 100%. 6) The baseball season started this week. April is one of the best times of year because NBA and NHL are both wrapping up and about to start playoffs, you have the Masters this weekend, and baseball is finally in full swing. What sports do you like to watch during your freetime, and which teams are your favourites? Toronto Blue Jays always, the playoffs for NBA also coming up and of course the Masters and Tiger, I'm old school, don't need any of these new bucks.
  11. This past week was a wild ride, not only did I find out where I was going to be playing this season in the VHLE, but I also found out about where my future pro home would be as well, the funny thing though? I found out about my pro team prior to my VHLE team, which was a little funny. Augustus Kennedy was the second best goalie in his draft class and while many pegged him to slip to double digits, anywhere from 13th to 15th, he ended up going 9th overall to @MexicanCow123 and the New York Americans. A lot of people did have Kennedy slated to go to NYA, but at their 14th pick, and not their 9th pick, however the reason or whatever the reason, it seemed as though his fate was sealed and he would be heading to New York regardless. When the VHLE draft came up, it wasn't as 'fun' for the goalie as a lot of teams already had a goalie in place so the need for one just wasn't there, and because of that Kennedy slipped all the way to the 2nd round of the draft, ending up with @JB123 and the Oslo Storm. Kennedy had the below to say about the two teams he was drafted to: "Both teams I was drafted to seem to be amidst a rebuild at the moment and we'll see what that does for me any my future in both of the leagues as time goes on. This will be my first and only season in the VHLE, so like any player I am hoping to make the most of it, as for the Americans, I can only hope that when this season is done, they are just a bit further along and can really ensure we've got a competitive team in front of us. I'm excited for the future and to play for both of these franchises."
  12. 1. Saskatoon wins the Founders Cup! How do you celebrate? Family first, friends & a party second. Close family gathering to really embrace it, friends and teammates will then go crazy with a huge party to celebrate! 2. After every season, players sit themselves down and look at what they can do better at next season. What's your player working on improving in the offseason? After winning a cup and coming into the season as an underdog, nothing is "off the table" for improving, Augustus will continue to work on his game as a whole as he transitions to the VHLE. 3. How did this team go as far as it did, in your opinion? Activity honestly... we had a huge core of players either maxed out or close to, everyone stayed committed and we picked up some huge pieces at the end that just pushed this team over the top. 4. List one thing you love about Saskatoon The team itself... it's been a long time since I've been in the VHLM as a player and I had one of the best experiences on this team, it was a lot of fun. 5. If there was one country you would go and visit for vacation, which country would it be? Paris, France easily. One of the most beautiful places in the world. 6. What are you looking forward to the most next season? Honestly just the draft now and then getting acquainted with my new team(s). I'm very excited for this next leg of my journey.
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