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Everything posted by InstantRockstar

  1. Hello everyone! With the draft now done, I can focus on finding myself a new AGM. Looking for very easy asks here, hopefully haha. See below a list of tasks: - Line discussion/help - Active in LR - Weekly pressers (if you can't do it, I always can!) - Help with scouting during draft season Looking for someone who is just eager to learn and eager to have fun!
  2. @Frank welcome to the big leagues I guess eh? Quickest trade talks of my life lol. Appreciate the quick & smooth dealings. @Wheaties you go from being my GM to me being yours haha, way the world works. Welcome to LA!
  3. congrats to all the new M GM's! Enjoy your journeys!
  4. Congrats to both of you @Dil & @Frank some great selections!
  5. @Tate cause neither of my teams made a press conference this week 1. Which of your players did you most enjoy? 2. Do you see yourself ever leaving the VHL? 3. From your first memory to now, what is the best one? 4. From ALL the GM's you've had, which one was your favourite? 5. Which pasta dish do you like the most? 6. Which position do you plan to go with your *next* player.
  6. In LA Stars fashion, the LA Stars have won the Lotto Tournament and kept their 'best' odds for the lotto, and as if that wasn't sweet enough, they also ended up winning the actual lotto all together. With the speculation posted last week that it was up in the air as to who was going to be taken, we're going to have some fun with this. For all you DARK theme members like me... a secret message here LA will NOT be picking a forward with the first overall pick... if you're not using the dark theme and can read this, react with a funny random emoji to trick the people who can't see this. LA has been known to make some excellent picks over the last few seasons and the trend is likely not going to change here. There are some absolutely top tier players on the board, and actually the top 3 uniquely enough is one of 3 different positions, a defender, a center & a goalie. Will they need a goalie that bad that they just take one right away? Will they take a defender to fill the gap of only having one? Or will they add another forward to the mix and just try to build an all elite offense? Wait and see, draft is soon!
  7. Congrats on your successes, unfortunate to see someone so successful step down, but understandable when you've hit all your milestones. to an excellent GMing career.
  8. 1. What is your favorite place to sit? 100% the couch with my family. Always blissful. 2. I've been seeing lacrosse stuff pop up recently, what are your opinions? Would your player be interested in lacrosse or are they ice-only athletes? Personally not a big fan, played it briefly in high school and just didn't love it. 3. Thermostat wars: what temperature do you keep your home? Bonus points if you answer in Fahrenheit. Despite my wifes pleas, I'm a polar bear, so I keep the house as cold as possible. 4. Tell me about your player's stick: is it long and whippy, short and stiff, or somewhere in between? Typical large & in charge goalie stick lol, nothing special about it. 5. You put in the game-winning goal and made your way to the locker room. What are you drinking to celebrate? Everything, goalies never get to score so the fact I scored is unique haha. 6. NHL question: are the Rangers going to stop the Lightning in round 3 to prevent the 3-peat, or is Tampa going to the final again this year? I want a team to 3-peat so I am rooting for the Lightning but I'd also love to see the cinderella story happen for the Rangers.
  9. LA has been quite quiet in the off-season preparing for the draft and many things to come. The draft tournament is currently underway, and while LA finished last in the league, they are looking to bolster their odds by winning the tournament, and so far, it's looking great. In 7 games, the team has gone 6-1 and leads the tournament currently for wins. LA also had a bit of a fallback plan as they also hold the Wolves 1st as well, giving them another top 6 pick, so win or loss, the team should have two pretty high picks. On top of the 1st's, LA also holds 4 2nds, two of which will be the top two picks of the 2nd round which should yield some more excellent prospects. There is a lot riding on the next draft or two when it comes to possible success in LA, and this is going to be a huge focus for LA in the draft. When asked to comment about possible targets, the GM said they would not give any spoilers but did say as a teaser that they had two positions in mind they needed more than the rest. What will they be? Tune into the draft to find out.
  10. 1. Name a teammate who has impressed you this season - what makes you feel that way? Petey would be my go-to tbh, just lights out. 2. What's your favorite pizza topping(s)? Mushroom, green olives 3. What is a popular thing that you absolutely can’t stand? (A song, a game, a show, a food, etc) The Simpsons 4. Which NHL player would you like to model your player’s career after? Probably Vasilevsky, guys an absolute monster 5. What's more impressive in a 72 game season, 50 Goals or 70 assists? 50 Goals 100%, hard to achieve 6. Cookout season is here! What toppings do you put on a burger? Simple, ketchup, mayo, mustard, relish & hot peppers 7. What song would you like to play when you score a goal? I cannot score, but it would be thunderstruck.
  11. Oslo has been out of the playoffs and while all of the teams are doing their thing and trying to win the cup, Augustus has already packed up and began his journey from Europe to America in order to get himself settled as quick as possible in his new role. Kennedy felt very accomplished in the VHLE while there, enjoying his time with his teammates and his management, however after losing it only sparked a fire in him to just want something more for himself, so he chose not to stick around and sulk but rather make the long journey overseas back to North America, stop to see some friends & family and then get his new place setup for what could be the foreseeable future. No quote was provided by Kennedy this time around as he was in a bit of a rush and as such, couldn't give anything official, but we do know from previous reports that he's eager, excited and happy to be where he's going. More news should come out through the off-season as the weeks go by.
  12. Typically I am a GFX person, and I thought about just doing some lame GFX thanking one, or two people for my experiences here in the VHL however there are so many amazing people I've met over the years here, I figured even with my shitty English, I'd type something out to just show my appreciation to everyone that has made my experience absolutely phenomenal. Without further ado... @Beketov @McWolf @diamond_ace@Josh@Acydburn@rjfryman @Victor- I think every appreciation thread should start with the top of the 'chain of command' and that is our commissioners. I've dealt with every single one of you at some point through my recent stint here in the VHL, starting back in like S61 or S62 when Josh took me on as AGM, and then it went from there. D_A and Bana (Bana will get his own section later in this) took me on as San Diego GM during expansion and really helped me feel welcomed back to the league with my first GMing role in years. I then got to work with Acyd & Victor as the VHLE became a thing, and I once again was selected after a long wait to move up the rankings and takeover the newly created Rome Gladiators. I've had the pleasure of knowing both of these guys for years (especially Victor) so working with them was always very simple, but they really made the E experience fun. And then of course we have Bek, who has heard me complain a million times about not getting a VHL GM job, wondering why, the usual back & forth, but also always being professional, and good at what he does. I've always appreciated the humble nature and the role that you play in the league, so thank you Bek for really just being there for the league, and keeping it a fun place to enjoy for all of us. An appreciation post wouldn't be an appreciation post if I didn't show some love to my AGM's over the years, the people that helped keep me afloat and make the GMing experience even more fun than it has ever been. @MexicanCow123 - My first ever AGM, you've gone on to achieve amazing things since you left the position and proven to be a very capable person in your roles. From becoming a GM yourself, to an updater, a simmer & so much more, you've done incredible things. I really appreciate the time your time in San Diego, it'll forever be an amazing memory to me. @Minion - Another AGM that really enjoyed the role and made my role as GM much more enjoyable. Constantly wanting to help, being present and just throwing out suggestions, you helped make Rome what it was. I was so very happy to see you move into a GMing role as I know you deserved it, and I truthfully always want what's best for you in the league. Thank you for helping me succeed in Rome. @Baby Boomer - Another excellent member, excellent AGM, someone that once again always stepped up and was available when needed. Rome was successful with a lot of help from you, and while we didn't get to be the dynamic duo very long, as I would depart Rome, there was a big reason I chose to push for you to get the GM job there. You're going to do big things in this league and I am very excited to see where Rome goes from here. @comrade cat- No AGM regonition post would be complete without my current AGM, right? I had the pleasure of being your GM in Rome for a little bit before I moved on to LA, and when the AGM spot became available & you chose to apply, you made my decision quite easy. You've always been eager to learn, asking a lot of questions to understand the GMing role and always wanting to be involved. I'm very happy & blessed to have such an outstanding AGM. Now... I know I had more AGM's in-between but either their account is gone, or they have unfortunately gone IA. I'm very blessed and thankful for all of those AGM's, but I won't do a huge write-up on the rest from there. Let's move on to ALL the friends and people I have met in this league that I actually talk to either on a daily basis or... regular basis. Don't worry, if you don't fall in this category, it doesn't mean I don't appreciate you, there will be more @Banackock - Probably one of the people I enjoy talking to the most, just always around & willing to chat, never someone who takes life too seriously and can just shoot the shit whenever. No matter the reason we first met, you've become someone that I truly do trust in the league and enjoy having regular conversations with. You've been my commissioner, my GM and I would absolutely consider you my friend here as well, so thank you for all you've done that has helped shaped my time here in the league and made it full of enjoyment. @Rayzor_7 - While the conversations aren't AS often as they used to be, I'll always have appreciation for you just simply because you've been someone that has always chatted with me and we more or less became GM's together, and worked our way through the system together also. We were at one point the longest reigning 'duo' of GM's down in the minors until you ditched me (traitor lol) but now that I'm in the VHL, the duo has been reunited. I look forward to what the future holds. @Acydburn - Surprise... you're on here twice! While I appreciate what you've done as a commissioner, I've also enjoyed the "non-job" talk that we've had over the years. Whether it's talking about our teams recently, or just talking about really anything, I've always enjoyed our conversations and appreciate having someone around that can just listen when needed. You're a good person, and I feel like maybe some forget that beyond your roles, but just know I appreciate it. @FrostBeard - My comrade, and someone that I would absolutely consider a friend. Like Rayz, we grinded the rankings together through various leagues and always managed to stay in touch along the way. You've always been humble, honest and someone that I can rely on if I ever need advice. You're an extremely loyal person, and quite frankly I cannot wait to see you make it to the VHL, so we can GM together once again. Thank you for being real, and thank you for always bringing that competitiveness out of me. @a_Ferk - Another person I've known in the league for quite a while and still chats every now and again. While I know you've been a little more busy recently, it's always nice to chat & catch-up when the time allows for it. I've had the pleasure of getting to talk to you over the years now and it's never a dull conversation, always a good conversation and one that I thourgouhly enjoy. Thank you for making my time here that much more enjoyable. @STZ @jhatty8- I'm grouping you two together because you both have helped me so much when it comes to creativity & my gfx work. You've always been more than willing to answer my questions no matter how simple or dumb they may have been, and because of all your help, I've grown so much in making graphics, and for that I am forever grateful. You two have such a gift for creating digital masterpieces, so thank you both for shaping my gfx into what its become today. And now onto the final section, the people that I have so much love & appreciation for even if we don't talk that often. These people have made an impact on me, the league & my experience within the league during my stints here. I likely won't go super in-depth on this one because... there are a lot of people! @Molholt - Am I dumb for tagging someone I absolutely betrayed the trust of? Likely... but my sim league experience all around would not be the same if it weren't for Molholt. We became friends years & years ago, and you've seen me at my highest, as well as my lowest. I made the dumbest decision of my sim league 'life' when I betrayed your trust, and for that, I truly am sorry. No amount of apologizing or anything can excuse my actions, and I don't expect you to so much as read this, but just know I truly am sorry for doing what I did, and even without forgiveness, I hope one day way in the future, you may be willing to forgive me for what I've done. For now, I will just leave this here, a thank you for being real since day one, and being there for the highs and lows. @Dil @fishy@samx@Baozi@dasboot@Dom - Collectively, I'd like to thank the mods for doing what they have to, in order to keep this league in order. Your job is never easy, and I'm sure there is some resentment from those that don't understand how tedious the job can really be, and unforgiving too. While I don't talk to many of you super often, I will always have a respect and mutual understanding with everyone in the moderator team for simply keeping the league safe & enjoyable. So thank you for your work! @thadthrasher- The man, the myth, the legend now known as ThaddyDaddy within the VHL haha. I've enjoyed our talks, while sometimes brief in the league and enjoyed watching you grow both as a father, and person, as well as a GM. You're tremendous at what you do, and I'm really glad to see your life is headed in such a bright direction. @KaleebtheMighty @Advantage - The other pioneers of the VHLE movement, and the guys I was lucky enough to make history with when the VHLE was first established, really fortunate to have had such an amazing crew to develop the league & make it as enjoyable as it was. @Alex @dlamb @Enorama- The rest of the GM's that I haven't already spoken about (well, most lol). Ever since I got promoted, I've had nothing but encouragement from most of you, if not all of you, and I really appreciate the warm welcome to the position. Most of you, I've also interacted with prior to becoming a VHL GM, and it's been nothing but positive interactions, so again, I really do appreciate those times. @Nykonax - Known you also for quite a long time, while I could've thrown ya into the "GMing" post I figure with how long I've known you, you should get a section of your own. We've not talked a crazy amount but in the times we have I've always felt the interactions were positive. You're an awesome member, good GM and despite the whole Meta bullshit, you are well undercreditied for your achievements. @Ricer13 - Another GM I go pretty far back with, in this league and many others. Similar to Nyko, we don't talk A LOT, but our talks when we do talk have always been positive & bright, and I do enjoy getting to catch up to you when time allows for it. You've been an awesome GM in your time as GM and always been an excellent member to the league. @Spartan- In the infamous words of DJ Khaled... anotha one. While you're GM, we go back quite a while WELL before either of us became a GM and we've both had quite the lengthy tenure within the league. In that time, I've gained nothing but respect for you and enjoy our chit chats while not frequent, they are always positive & fun. You're a great person, and truthfully I hope you never change. @DollarAndADream @Brandon - Two more guys that deserve a lot of recognition for their graphics work. While I may not always get the chance to comment on your work, just know I really enjoy seeing the work and having known you both for so long, it's honestly amazing to see where you've come and just the amazing work you can put together. I almost feel like we SHOULD talk more, but just don't lol. I'm going to cut it off here, maybe make a part-two when I have more time to type things out, but for now, this is it. To those I left off of part-one, don't be offended please. I'm typing this while dealing with quite a bit of family emergencies only some of which people know. Just know my years & years of being here, have been nothing short of amazing, and while some of my time was wasted here by being an absolute jackass, I regret nothing because I've met so many amazing people Thanks to all for being a part of my VHL journey.
  13. Always enjoyed having you in Rome, I'm so glad they chose you to be their GM after I left. Amazing AGM, amazing chats, tout le meilleur à vous dans votre avenir dans la ligue, je sais qu'il sera brillant! !
  14. Have you changed the color of your VHL UI? What color is it? I did neon green for a while but it kinda made my eyes bleed, so now it’s kind of middle grey. My go-to has always been the dark theme for everything, just something I've preferred since it's been an option so I don't go crazy with my UI or the forum, etc. What kind of bird have you seen most recently? Being that the weather is getting warmer here in my part of Canada, I've been seeing a lot of Robin's lately. Are you staying hydrated? Bonus quest: drink some water or whatever. Very hydrated! Just drank some water & now onto a night time tea! Grilling season is here! What’s the best food to cook outdoors? My whole family loves a nice surf & turf so that's usually our go-to for any BBQ session. Some kind of protein with some form of seafood, its unmatched. We’re in round 2 of the NHL playoffs now - who do you think will advance? I think Edmonton finally passes and gets by the Flames, that's my wildcard predicition though the Flames have kept it close so far. Your player gets tangled up in some Underworld type stuff, and they have to choose: werewolf or vampire? Which would they pick? Going with vampires, as growing up like all my life, I absolutely loved the idea of them, watched a ton of movies with vampires in them, so by default it has to be the pick.
  15. Each team in the VHL has to play their backup a minimum of 8 times per season, and while most teams likely wouldn't mind because they actually have two... decent goalies, LA only has one very good goalie in Tater Tot, or so they thought. When it came time to play backup games, LA wasn't dreading it as thankfully they had intended on a full rebuild this season which has gone to plan. However what they didn't expect is for the LA BOT G to go absolutely mental and blowout two competitive teams in the DC Dragons (6-0 shutout) and the London United (3-0 shutout). Bot G has made a name for himself and has been a fresh air for the team while Tater Tot gets a much needed rest after starting a whole 53 games for the team before getting a night off. If Bot G continues to play like this, the team may not need to draft a goalie next season and can just hope that their new found glory shines bright. We shall see if the fairy tale can continue next season, for now, Bot G has been put to bed so Tater Tot can finish out the season.
  16. Usually snapbacks for hats, always haha. Just enjoy wearing 'em. And yes TEA is my addiction haha. Used to be way worse, so I'll stick to tea
  17. What is the coolest thing your player has done so far in their career? Could be a good game, season, media spot, or graphic. The choice is yours! Probably has to be winning the cup with Saskatoon thus far, an amazing accomplishment with a great group of guys & gals. How long have you known your best friend? How did you meet them? Met them 5 years ago, been best friends ever since. Because the Storm fans are so fanatical, Oslo is expanding into eSports! Which game would you like to see Oslo compete in? Let's go with uh... Apex Legends cause that game is super fun. What is your favorite outfit to wear? Joggers, some kind of t-shirt, and always a hat. What is something that you’re not addicted to but still wouldn’t want to live without? Tea Say you have to listen to a song at least once per day for the rest of your life. Which song? Why? Honestly tough to pick just one but really anything Juice WRLD would be it for me.
  18. While Oslo may not be the complete last team on the standings, the Storm are currently on a 5 game losing streak and second to last in the league... something that isn't overly fun if you're trying to be a 'winner' in every league you enter. Augustus Kennedy has been trying to keep his head high, looking to just enjoy his time with his team and forget about the losses, but as the losing streak continues to climb, it slowly becomes harder and harder to ignore. He was interviewed and quoted saying the following: "I'm not mad at my team, I'm not mad at my coaches, and I'm not mad at management, I'm just frustrated that overall we're not doing as good as we possibly could. We were at one point winning a lot of games, I was earning spots in the three stars time & time again, and I was atop the league for multiple stats within the goalie categories, but now I'm just at the top for all the wrong categories, including 21 losses and 7 OT losses, something I'm not proud of. At this time, all I can say is I'm happy to be here, but I won't miss losing, I'm really hoping my transition to the next stage proves to be much more... winning."
  19. Man is always producing completely graphics. Keep it up Brandon! Epic.
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