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Everything posted by InstantRockstar

  1. *You've been baited by the title, I'm calling the horny police on you...* Seriously though, it isn't that kind of "Gone Wild" article I promise, but Augustus Kennedy in the fourth round of the VHLM Draft has officially gone to the Saskatoon Wild and quite honestly, this is exactly where he anticipated going. When doing research on all of the teams, he seen that a lot of them were weak in the goalie area, or didn't even have a goalie at all, however it was leaked in many different articles and magazines that Augustus didn't receive more than one interview from the GM's about his possibility of drafting him. In a written statement when asked how he felt, he had this to say: "I'm not sad or mad or upset by this, my agent is highly recognized by a lot of people in this league so it only seemed like common sense for them not to draft me. He comes as advertised and people know what talent he provides in terms of the players he brings into the league, I will say however that being with the team that did interview me is reassuring, it absolutely makes me feel just a bit more confident in the fact that the interview must have went somewhat good for me. Overall, I am just excited to be the starting goalie for Saskatoon and showcase my talents."
  2. 1. The draft is finally over! How does your player feel to play (or return to) Saskatoon? - Augustus is very happy to be a part of the Wild, a fresh franchise for myself as I've never played here before. 2. Any season predictions for this year? - Season is going to be a bit rocky as things get acclimated however it should be a quick turnaround. 3. Looking at our roster, what do you think is the biggest strength of our team? - For sure our forward core, it's very deep and is likely going to carry us this season. 4. How did you, or your player first discover hockey? - Hockey has been in my household all my life, I kind of just grew up around sports all together, I've always loved them. 5. Favourite type of Soda? - Ginger Ale6. Any hobbies you've recently picked up? - None surprisingly, I'm pretty boring haha
  3. When you look over the names of the draftees upcoming in the VHL & VHLM drafts respectively, a few names don't really stick out, and one of them is Augustus Kennedy. Kennedy had never really made much of a point to 'stick out' during his junior years before considering the jump to the pros, and even when trying to showcase his talents, not too many people really seen him in the spotlight. However all of that changed when he made a viral video that shot his 'stardom' to full affect, and had agencies all across North America dying to get him listed under their belt. When the video dropped, his phone blew up, but one name stood out in particular... Zack Gagnon. Not only was the agency familiar with the league, they had successfully turned many players into valuable assets for their respective teams, the agency just seemed to know how to pump out talent that could be part of many winning franchises and cup-winning teams. With all things considered, Augustus chose to put his trust in the agency and so far it's brought him a lot of joy and pleasure. He's learned a lot about the league he is going to be playing in and has learned a lot about the teams that could potentially draft him. Because his agent is also a GM, he get's a behind the scenes look at how that world also is, and it really helps him adapt to all of the possibilities of his career. So in a nutshell, this is Augustus, and he's about to win a lot of games in the VHLM this coming season... bank it.
  4. 1. Which team are you rooting for? Why? - I have to be bias and cheer for Rome in the E, but I'll also be a homer when I'm drafted in the VHLM too, whatever team takes me, they have my loyalty. 2. Who do you think will win this year? - If Rome doesn't win this year I'll have no words, we've stocked up once again to make a strong push, so we shall see who prevails. 3. Did you once do the WJC? - I've been in the WJC before as a player numerous times, but never actually as a GM, just never really applied before. 4. What are your thoughts about the WJC GMs? - Good crop, a lot of AGM's looking to make a name for themselves and show they are capable of being GM's, I like it! 5. Who do you think will be the best player of team Canada in the WJC? Why? - Probably whoever scores the most I'd think haha, but to put a name to it... Glove Dropper get's my nod. 6. Who do you think will be the best player of team USA in the WJC? Why? - Simply... Florida Man! If his name isn't the definition of being dedicated to the US, then idk what else is.
  5. Hey Daniel, if I'm not mistaken since it's off-season, I'm actually in the draft! No rules being broken whatsoever haha But everyone has a shot to draft me
  6. Player Information Username: InstantRockstar Player Name: Augustus Kennedy Recruited From: Returning Age: 18 Position: G Height: 77 in. Weight: 200 lbs. Birthplace: Canada Player Page @VHLM GM
  7. I really enjoyed listening to this and hearing the perspectives of everything from an insider in Davos. Just to ease your mind @Ahma I've been here since S60 after a long hiatus away and I began to be an AGM for Josh in Yukon. Since then I've been an active GM in the VHLM for that whole time and now the VHLE. I haven't gone inactive once in about 20+ seasons now! Good podcast to both of you!
  8. #thaddydaddy FRICK YEAH! Congratulations to you and @LuluSalesAway on the bundle of joy! Soak it up as much as possible!
  9. I'm happy to offer up what gfx 'skills' I have for the charity. Willing to make the highest bidder an avatar & sig of their choice. We can work together to find a design you're happy with.
  10. Rome has made an official offer on Noah Mashford
  11. Rome Gladiators would like to make a free agency offer
  12. Rome is proud to announce that @Baby Boomer, a former player for Rome has been officially hired to takeover as AGM of the team. I am very excited to begin working with Boomer, and hopefully we can bring Rome back to the finals and beyond! Thanks to those that applied.
  13. With the most recent hiring's coming out today, we unfortunately have lost one of our own, my AGM @Minion moves on to bigger and better things. I've already expressed my gratitude to you in private, but please know just how much Rome will miss having such an active and bright spirit in the management team. All things considered, this means I need to find someone new to move into the role. I'm looking for someone similar to what we had, a positive influence who has a good work ethic, someone that will do their best for the team and put the team first when it comes to league decisions. We're looking for someone who just want's to have fun, want's to learn and most importantly, will care about the team as much as I do. Your tasks will be pretty lax, the most time consuming one I ask for is the PC to be done weekly, preferably on Monday's to give each player a chance to have a week to do the task. Otherwise it'll be simple things like line input, trade input, draft input & scouting and just overall LR management with the team, making sure everyone is taken care of with me and ensuring no funny business occurs in the LR. If you'd like to learn, and eventually move into a GM role similar to our now former AGM Minion, please apply within. Thank you for taking the time to read, and again, good luck in your new role @Minion
  14. Nice and simple talks with @FrostBeard and indeed, we've made history. @Moon_50 excellent user, excellent person, too many good things to say. Sad we didn't get to see you in a Rome uni, but glad to find you a nice, good new home. @MetalToday very excited to have you on the team, you come highly spoken of and recommended, we cannot wait to have you suit up for us.
  15. My player is coming to his last leg of his career, and I want to begin stocking up PT's for my next player, to ensure that I can maintain as steady as possible. With this in mind, I'm opening this shop up to hopefully help achieve that. Player Name: Preferred Render: Current Team (for logo/color purpose): Preferred Text: Thanks.
  16. F I R S T. Good luck VHLE GM's! Here's to our first ever PO!
  17. @Moon_50 congrats and well deserved if you need any help with anything don't hesitate to reach out, the new role can be a lot of responsibility but if you have supporting cast around, it'll be a piece of cake!
  18. @Josh just pinging as not in file yet. Will use a bot as replacement for now.
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