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Everything posted by InstantRockstar

  1. this information was so irrelevant to me I didn't even notice it
  2. 1) How happy are you that you got a Hat Trick? Impressive coming from a defender... 2) Do you expect results to be like that fairly often, or one time thing? 3) If you had to choose one other player to come to San Diego, who would it be and why? 4) Do you think San Diego is a playoff contender with their current roster? If not, what do you believe could be done to improve? 5) With controversy around the league lately, you seem to be quite happy in San Diego, is there anything you can say as to speak on the atmosphere in San Diego?
  3. @ItssYoBoiDaLegend you want a debut? How about a fucking hat trick boi! Amazing!
  4. Hello @LeoKoz3 welcome to the league! I’m the GM of the San Diego Marlins and I’m excited to offer you a spot on the franchise. Right now we can only offer 4th line minutes with PP minutes down the road if you want it. We’re all about rewarding activity and growth so if you stick with us there is no doubt in my mind we’ll see you move up the rankings. Were in competition mode mode so we’re going for the gusto. If that sounds like fun to you, quote this and accept our offer and we will get this going.
  5. good job marlins, PK 100% I like that, seems like its improving.
  6. Very glad to hear. Should have you an official contract offer
  7. Jubo has tons of experience which is great, but the facts are just that, he’s been a GM and I think this experience should help those that don’t get that chance in the VHLM. No one is taking away what Jubo has done, I was on his winning team just two seasons ago. But if not Canada then I would have to hope Mexican at least gets the opportunity for another position cheers
  8. Mexican has been a great AGM thus far and I think this opportunity would help his growth into becoming a VHLM GM some day. While he has a small grasp and understanding of what a GMs duties are, he has yet to experience it hands on. This would give him an opportunity to learn the line system and just the overall process of being a GM. Make it happen! @DilIsPickle
  9. no hard times at all just making sure we know, if you're going to Houston, best of luck to ya
  10. Glad you're accepting, now you just need to decide which offer haha
  11. Welcome @ItssYoBoiDaLegend Awesome name, awesome username, cool build. I'm the GM of the SD Marlins, year one team here just looking to make history by winning games, setting records and having fun. We're looking to win the cup in our first ever season and we'd love for you to be along for the ride. We're offering third pair minutes for the time being but stay active, get those gains and I'm sure you'll climb the rankings in no time at all. If this sounds like fun to you, then just quote this saying you accept, and you'll be on your way to making history.
  12. It's that fun time again. I feel like doing a lot of work for no reason so I can have tons of PT's done for future tasks. All I ask is you use the simple format to request: Player Name: Preferred Render (NHL Player): VHL/VHLM Team: Text Preference: Other: COMPLETED WORK Beaviss
  13. Glad to hear! I'll be sending you a PM shortly and we'll get this thing started!
  14. @Nick Kirkpatrick welcome. We're the San Diego Marlins and hear you have interest in joining us, well thankfully, I also have interest in you coming to the Marlins. We're going to be able to offer you third line minutes and with activity and growth who knows where your career will get to. Quote this saying you 'accept' and we'll make it official
  15. close game, we had more shots, Eagles just couldn't hold on with that third period pressure. GG
  16. @Lincoln Tate first two points of the season after joining the team and a win! lets goooo!
  17. No worries man, I don't blame you, you know its bad when your friend has to beg you to join so that his team doesn't tank eh @Thranduil jk, all in good fun enjoy the league, hopefully you can help Halifax out, Thran is a good dude
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